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IMPORTANT NOTE: The full-screen UI option is only available for the UI Toolkit. The split UI is available for both UI Toolkit and uGUI.
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Inventool is more than just an inventory system—it handles all of the most common item-related functionalities found in a wide variety of video games while providing many built-in customization options and extra features.
Create and manage items, currencies, crafting recipes, and enchantments from a single editor window!
Choose between a limited or infinite inventory with a choice between pagination and scrolling, or both!
- ITEMS: Easily create items from the editor window. Aside from the basic stuff, you can set the buying price, selling price, weight, and the space it takes up in the inventory.
- ITEM BACKGROUNDS: Sometimes your special items need a special look (you know—aside from their already cool design). Easily set a unique background for each item from the editor window to differentiate it from other basic items.
- GRID LOGIC: Whether it’s one item per slot or one item spanning ten slots, the inventory's grid-based logic ensures accurate representation by considering each item's size.
- AUTOMATIC REORGANIZATION: The inventory uses a smart algorithm to automatically reorganize itself to ensure all of the available space is being used efficiently.
- FILTERS: Too many items? Use the filter options to ease your search. You can create your own item types, and they will automatically be added as filter options.
- WEIGHTS: The inventory supports item weights—giving you the option of preventing the player from gaining new items when the max weight is reached.
- KEY ITEMS: An optional separate section solely for all key items. This ensures the player always receives key items, no matter the state of the inventory.
- MULTI-SPRITE SUPPORT: Items appear in variously sized UI elements throughout the interface, and you can take advantage of this with multi-sprite support. You have the flexibility to assign different-sized sprites as the item's icon or background, ensuring optimal display wherever the item appears. This is optional—you can use a single sprite for all parts of the UI.
Easily create your own customizable equipment slots with item type restrictions.
- AUTOMATIC: Equipment slots created through the editor window will automatically appear in the in-game window.
- CHARACTER VIEWER: The equipment UI includes a built-in character viewer with rotation support, offering options for free rotation or locking rotation to the X or Y axis.
Inventool supports currencies of the decimal, float, and integer value types. Currencies are relevant for items and merchants, as you can use them to set prices. Created currencies are automatically displayed in the inventory UI with their respective icons.
Easily create any number of custom crafting recipes. Crafting has its own section in both the editor and in-game windows.
- AUTOMATIC: Once a crafting recipe is created, it's automatically available in-game.
- NO RECIPE LIMITATIONS: Your crafting recipes are not limited to a couple of items. Whether it's a list of 2 or 200, it all works the same.
Use the dismantling tab to set the result items that the player gains from dismantling an item.
- NO LIMITS: There's no limit to how many result items you can set for each dismantlable item.
- AUTOMATIC: Any changes you make are automatically applied in-game, so you can see the results right away without any extra steps.
Use the stats tab to create custom stats and attributes! Attributes (types, elements, etc.) can be used to give your stats strengths and weaknesses.
- NO LIMIT: Create any number of custom stats and attributes!
- EFFECTIVENESS: Set the effectiveness of an attribute against another! Use the automatically generated effectiveness chart to view the strengths and weaknesses of all your attributes.
- WORKS WITH ITEMS: Easily assign stats to items and upgrade them with enchanting.
Make your armor and weapons stronger with enchanting! Through the editor windows, you can define which items can be enchanted (enchantable items) and which items can be used for enchanting (enchanter items). In-game, enchantments are displayed below the item description.
Merchants are in-game goods (items) or service (crafting or enchanting) providers. With Inventool, you can set which of your NPCs is a merchant.
- SHOPKEEPER: An entity that sells items. You're free to set the list of items a shopkeeper sells. The player can sell their items to shopkeepers as well.
- CRAFTSMAN: An entity that crafts items for a cost. You have the option of using the craftsman to craft items (crafting costs will apply) or simply allowing the player to craft items themselves through their inventory (no cost).
- ENCHANTER: An entity that enchants an item for a cost. You have the option of using the enchanter to enchant items (enchanting costs will apply) or simply allowing the player to enchant items themselves through their inventory (no cost).
Storage (or bank) is a user-defined NPC or GameObject that can store the players items and currencies.
- INFINITE: Create any number of storages throughout your game. There's no limit to how many unique storage places your game can have.
- UNIQUE: Not all storages need to be the same size. You can freely set the size of each storage that you create—from being able to store only a few items to an unlimited amount.
Item drops are items that are visible in the game world and can be picked up by the player.
- IT'S EASY: Spawn item drops with a single line of code OR use the Item Spawner component to spawn item drops without code.
- DROP RATES: When the Item Spawner component is combined with a Loot Box, you now have codeless item drop rates!
- CUSTOMIZE: Don't like the look of the default item drop GameObject? Set your own through the editor window!
The UI supports dragging and contains sections (or dedicated windows) for the inventory, equipment, crafting, enchanting, key items, storage, and shop.
- MODERNIZED DESIGN: The UI is thoughtfully designed to be clean and efficient, ensuring a visually pleasing experience that avoids overwhelming the player.
- DUAL OPTIONS: Choose between the combined or split UI! The combined UI offers a full-screen experience, while the split UI provides smaller, separate windows for each system.
- CROSS-INPUT SUPPORT: Use the CrossInputSupport component to easily add keyboard and controller navigation support!
- HOVER DETAILS: A popup that displays details of a hovered item. The information you'd like displayed here can be customized.
- ACTION MENU: A list of customizable menu options that opens up when an item is clicked.
- CONFIRM PROMPT: A prompt that asks the user to confirm an action. This can also be used to display error messages.
- QUANTITY PROMPT: A prompt that asks the user to confirm an action that requires a user-defined quantity.
- UIT and uGUI: Inventool supports both the UI Toolkit and uGUI. The full-screen UI is only available for UI Toolkit for now.
Easily save the player's items, enchantments, equipment, and currencies! Check out the documentation for more information.
Inventool works with Unity's Localization package flawlessly. You can easily localize any UI element, item details, and stats!
NOTE: Example localized text may not be correct for all languages, as a machine translation service was used.
Some other cool stuff.
- LOOT BOX: An object that contains specific items, each with their own customizable odds of dropping.
- ITEM POUCH: An object that contains a list of custom items. This can be used to provide the player a specific set of items without any randomization.
- Works in Built-In RP, URP, and HDRP
- Works on any platform
- Tested in Unity Editor versions 2022 and Unity 6 (may not work in any version below)
Some icons were AI generated.
Inventool - Inventory, Items, Crafting, Enchanting, Merchants, Storage & More