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This asset allows you to create an awesome top-down RPG World(32x32). There are a good range of terrains, props variety and high quality animated characters.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP


✅ Auto-tiling support using Tiled Map Editor

✅ Several tiles variations with lots of blending possibilities.

✅ Prison cells and big walls

✅ Big and small platforms that transitions to a pit

✅ Animated Prison Gate

✅ Pillars

✅ Blood marks on the floor

✅ Animated platforms (bood pool with/without spikes) and more

☑️ Spinning blades (trap)

☑️ Rolling Wood trunk with spikes (trap)

☑️ Animated prison cell gate

☑️ Animated wooden doors and tables(turning them, like in Enter the Dungeon game)

☑️ Animated switch to open the gates (gears)

☑️ Suspended cages and chains

☑️ Animated stone chest

☑️ Animated magic flame

☑️ Animated wooden bridge (horizontal and vertical)

☑️ Several stones variations

☑️ Standards and flags

☑️ Skeletons/skulls

☑️ Animated wooden chest

☑️ King's painting, tables(whole and broken), candelabrum, chairs(broken and whole - 4 directions)

☑️ Several barrels variations (whole, broken, empty, full of gold/silver, etc), bags, small crates and more


-Unity's Rule tile system alternative

Since Unity's default rule tile system is somehow limited and does not cover some aspects of autotiling out of the box, tilesets with multiple heights(e.g walls

with 2 or more tiles of height) have no rule tile setup. Also, whilst animated tilesets are setup and ready to use, no tile variation is set. In this case of no autotile, packs of premade corners are provided.

-TiledMap Editor alternative

All tilesets have full autotile support and this is as easy as selecting a brush for a specific tileset and start drawing.

2D Map Editor: Tiled Map Editor

Tiled Map Editor maps to Unity: Super Tiled2Unity (This should be imported to Unity as a package)

Sample Scenes:

  • Standard sample scene
  • Tiled to Unity Scene (require superTiled2Unity package to load the scene correctly)


➥ Skeleton with and without shield ( Animations: Idle, walk, heavy attack, light attack, block, hurt, hurt while losing shield, death)

➥ Mage Skeleton with and without shield ( Animations: Idle, walk,  attack 1, attack 2, block, hurt, hurt while losing shield, death)

*Sword and shield with standard and rusty variation

➥ Assassin like enemy  ( Animations: Idle, Idle2, walk,  attack 1, attack 2,  hurt and death)


➥ Grass Land (Legacy)

➥ Grass Land 2.0

➥ Cemetery

➥ Crypt

➥ Ancient Ruins

➥ Sewers 

➥ Old Prison ✔

➥ The Depths of the Fortress

➥ Volcano

➥ The Village (with taverns, shops, blacksmiths, houses, NPCs and more)

➥ Mountainous area

➥ Desert

➥ A series of characters pack for all assets previously released (I'm also considering doing 4-direction animations, including the ones already released)

*These themes are subjected to change based on people's feedback.

❤️ Thank you for downloading EPIC RPG World  -  Old Prison ❤️

Technical details

File + Tile count : over 5000

Animated Tiles: Yes

Animated Props: Yes

Animation type:

  • Animated autotiles
  • Animated items (chests, doors, torches, traps... )
  • Animated characters

External dependencies: Tiled Map Editor, Super Tiled2Unity

Additional: pixelart, 2D topdown, tilesets, tile resolution 32x32

Epic RPG World - Old Prison

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Single Entity
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Multi Entity
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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
14.7 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Aug 19, 2024
Original Unity version
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