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CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM Lite is designed to make adding complex behavior for NPCS as frictionless as possible allowing for quick iteration. With the Job System anyone can develop AI for day to day tasks
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

This package will work with all render pipelines however the demo scenes are only setup with URP. If you have any questions on verision of Unity feel free to reach out and we will do our best to answer or you can checkout the wiki page about backward compatibility



CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM Lite is a tool designed to make adding complex behaviour for AI entities as frictionless as possible and allowing for quick iteration improving development speed. This system was designed for RPG and city building settings but could be used in a host of other settings. With an easy to learn but in-depth Job System, any user will be able to develop complex behaviours quickly and breathe life into your scenes.

Design your AI flows as you would break down a role in real life

Create your NPC's flows using similar terminology as you would in real life. Unlike traditional finite state machines where you are translating the actions into a technical setup, with the CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM Lite sections have already been broken down into easy to understand and logical groups which are used to build the complex behaviours giving less headaches and confusions to developers and allowing for the focus to be on building the behaviours and not setting up systems to achieve this.

Bring life into your Game Worlds

Quickly and effortlessly bring movement and dynamism into your worlds with an easy to setup system with layers of depth. Create complex bustling Ports or even a Hermit up in the mountains, this system can cover all civil manners.

Speed and Iteration

Remove the pain of hand writing unique behaviours for you NPC's. Use the built in Node Editor to quickly map out and design your behaviours and watch them fold out in real time with ease in the editor.

Depth of Actions

The system is designed to cover as many cases as possible in creating behaviours for civil settings, being that shop keepers, trading caverns or builders. All can be made with this straight forward system.

Designed with Additions in Mind

Developed with the idea of allowing for growth of the product both from an official and personal capacity. The system allows for easy defined edges of systems making it easy to understand what each component is responsible for what and how to add in more bespoke behaviours. The Wiki also has the addition of step-by-step guides for switching out sections of the system.

Robustness and Support

Implemented with modern practices and with the main goal of providing ease of use and reliability to your project’s developments. Automated testing to make sure functionality works and will always work as intended with each release. Professional support and feature request channels, giving you access and visibility of changes which are coming and support issues that are being worked on. Graceful failing with logging has also been implemented meaning if something goes wrong, you’ll have a refence to which NPC had the issue, along with what section failed.

Possible Use Cases:

  • RPG Game Worlds
  • Simulations
  • City Builders


  • Easy to setup (Automatic setup buttons)
  • Quick to pick up Designer with lots of depth
  • Fast iteration and design of day-to-day tasks
  • Style your NPC's based on Jobs and Regions
  • Increase performance by using regions to group NPC's
  • Documentation linked throughout the Developer tools within Unity itself
  • Basic Animation System Setup and ready to go
  • Mounting System included for allowing use of transportation (Supports waiting for others)
  • Quiet failing designed (Errors will be logged in the console but will keep running)
  • Pause Feature allows for the easy addition of Dialogue Systems


  • An updated and supported Wiki
  • Monitored Support and Feature Request Channels
  • Discord Channel for news, info and help
  • Example Scenes with more to come
  • Numrous training videos
  • Automation of Setup of Scenes
  • Documented methods for changing out systems for your own (Navigation, interactions etc.)
  • Automated tests coverage to give peace of mind with updates

What is not included in Lite but in CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM

  • Another designer used for the Need System, create what NPCs need to live and how they go about it using visual scripting
  • Powerful ownership system which allows for workplaces, NPCs and houses to own items.
  • Deep Control over flow system with a powerful Iterator System with a range of modes
  • Weighting System giving more control over what is important
  • Effiecent Room System used for giving spaces greater context
  • Latest new additions and features as they come out
  • No new features are guaranteed with this project however bug support is

Want to upgrade or buy CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM?

If you already own CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM Lite a discounted price is avaible. View CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM here


1.What AI implantation is this?

CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM is a unique spin a few different pre-existing AI solutions used in AAA games. The main focus is empowering anyone to make day-to-day AI behaviours which believably bring your worlds and scenes to life quickly.

2. Is this just GOAP?

No, it is not! We get this a lot, this system does share some similarities with it and does borrow some ideas but this is not true GOAP. This has its own ideas and processes along with other tooling to help you develop your worlds quickly (think auto population for example)

3. Does this cover combat?

CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM/Lite does not cover any form of combat and is not planned to, the idea of this product is to allow you to give your characters depth easily and effortlessly in the world. There are a ton of methods and products that do exist to cover combat on the Asset Store which this can be implanted with and should be no hassle due to the system being designed in a modular way. With a built in pause feature and an single point of entry for the logic of CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM to be called you can easily enable and disable it at runtime with ease.

4. Can I have custom animations?

Yes, it fully supports actions having their own animations! How it works is each lowest level condition can be provided a reference to an Animation Clip and this will be played for as long as the action is being performed. This is done by the Animation Controller having a ‘Dynamic’ field which is overwritten.

5. What Support can I expect while using the product?

There is an active discord and email support for this product, I’m UK based (GMT) so there might be some delays in getting back to you depending on time. Most problems and questions are responded to within a few hours.

6. Is this package finished or can I except updates?

This product is in active development and is planned to offer more than what is currently for no extra fee. No code breaking changes are planned and if are needed will be documented on how to upgrade and retain as much information as possible and will only be done as a last resort. With updates there is a Release Candidate Process which involves manual testing as well as automated testing to provide the best quality possible.

7. Can I have NPC pick up items?

Yes, you can! There is already an item system included, items can be set to be in use, can be picked up (placed on the NPC on a chosen transform), spawned in, replaced and interacting with one item can enable another with more to come.

8.Can I easily add/change other systems to this?

This is a definite yes! Tons of people have already used this tool with many different systems, from navigation to other AI solutions! Everything should be easy to connect up as CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM is designed with modern principles such as single responsibility meaning systems are owned by one system making the change simple!

9. Can I keep my data if I upgrade 

Yes you can! Whatever you design in Lite should work in the full product. Any issues let me know and I'll do my best to help!


This package does not include any animations, models or textures/materials except from some basic Unity Starter Projects ones, these are used under the Unity Companion License (https://unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Companion_License). It does include an animation controller and is setup ready for animations to be plugged in. 3D models which are not included but used in marketing are for demonstrational purposes and used to give a sense of how the tool works. These packages are 'POLYGON Pirates - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty' and 'Victorian Interior by

MetalMan3D' but these are not included in this package however are assets owned by The Bard's Tree brought through the Asset Store.

In regards to Pipelines this package will work with all but the Demo Scenes are only setup for URP.

Technical details


This is a vitailly important aspect of this tool and has plans to be improved in the future. Using the Unity profile tools running the 'Demo_Main' scene from 'POLYGON Pirates - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty' in 4K and spawning in 40 NPC characters all starting work at the same time the CPU main thread usage peaked at 12% usage with a low of 9%. With the Use of the 'Region' System there is a easy way to manage groups of NPC's allowing the ability to enable and disable sections of the scene to improve performance so more NPC's could be displayed with limited impact on performance if they are spread out throughout your scene.

In frame rate terms it was an average 75fps.

If you do come across performance issue, please don't hesitant to reach out and we will endeavour to help you out.


These can't be added to the package due to licensing rules but Mixamo provides a range of free use animations (for commercial and personal use) which works great with this tool.

Mixamo (Be sure to loop animations, set rig animation type to 'Humanoid' and when downloading just include the animation)


Setting up the system is easily done as shown in this video or shown in the steps below.

  1. Import CIVIL-AI-SYSTEM Lite
  2. Open the AI Manager (Window -> AI -> Civil AI System Lite -> Manager)
  3. Within 'Performable Actions' there is 'Create and Add Assets to Scene', click this with the scene open
  4. Next Create A 'Local Civil Manager' done futher down the page
  5. Create your NPC's by bringing a prefab into the scene, highlighting it and then clicking 'Add in NPC Template' within the Manager
  6. Save the new NPC prefab and remove it from the scene
  7. Select the local Civil Manager and then add it to the Character pool
  8. All Setup, all that is left is to use the Flowchart to make your AI and make your scene.


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Latest release date
Apr 18, 2023
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