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This character controller allows you to achieve the AAA-level character locomotion quality of motion matching without the learning curve.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Package dependencies
This package needs other Asset Store packages in order to work.


This asset requires Motion Matching for Unity (MxM) and can't work without it.

** While ALL features shown in the demo or listed in this description are complete and fully functional, this asset is still in Beta as it is in early and active development and there are many more features to come. If you wish to participate in the roadmap and discuss/request features, the link to our Discord is at the bottom of this description**

Neither this asset nor its developers have any affiliation with MxM or its creators. Read the change notes under the Releases tab to better understand the current feature set of this asset.

This controller allows you to achieve the AAA-level character locomotion quality of motion matching without the learning curve. All character configuration and tuning is handled by our controller and can be easily integrated into your existing mechanics (with a small amount of scripting knowledge).

It leverages (and requires) the fantastic Motion Matching for Unity (MxM) asset along with several optional animation sets and integrations combined with custom animations and code to provide realistic AAA-grade walk, run, sprint, procedural jumping, falling, and landing for your games and projects without having to learn how to configure motion matching yourself.

Crouch and Crouch Walk are supported when using any of these optional animation set integrations:

  • Kubold's Movement Animset Pro (may be currently unavailable on asset store)
  • Kubold's Female Movement Animset Pro (beta integration, several animations missing to achieve full performance shown by Movement Animset Pro, may be currently unavailable on asset store)
  • Mocap Online's Mobility Pro

Included Features:

  • Idles, and all-direction crouch (requires optional animation set integration), walk, run, and sprint
  • Full InputSystem and InputManager support
  • NPC/AI support (NavMesh-driven characters), all fully switchable at runtime
  • Complete event-driven footstep system
  • Procedural Jump, midair, and landing behavior
  • Automatic landing variants: normal, hard landing with clear forward path (front roll), hard landing with obstructed path (stationary landing to idle)
  • Configuration wizard to create new fully-configured characters from your models or modify existing characters in your scenes
  • Easy blend in/out of motion-matching mode to integrate with your other character behaviors, animations, and controllers. Additionally, simultaneous use of Animator Controller and Motion-Matching mode is supported via Avatar Masks.
  • Multiple code examples to show runtime modification (force walk, change navmesh target, blend between MMLC and Animator Controller (with and without Avatar Mask), switch between InputSystem and NavMesh control, etc

What this asset is:

  • A well-tuned and configured motion-matching locomotion setup for humanoid characters and players to crouch (requires optional animation set integration), walk, run, and sprint like the demo video, which can be integrated via scripting with other controllers, functionality, and toolkits to provide a full game/project experience
  • Scripts and behaviors for realistic procedural jumping, falling, and landing
  • A configuration wizard for configuring this controller with your humanoid character models
  • A mechanism to leverage the amazing power and movement precision of motion-matching without having to deeply learn and configure the motion matching asset. Extension and modification of the motion-matching or other behaviors of this controller requires coding and knowledge of the assets involved.

What this asset ISN'T:

  • A zero-lift all-in-one player and character controller: It handles locomotion and that's all for now
  • An arcady turn-on-a-dime locomotion controller: this controller is less responsive than typical arcade character controls as it is trying to mimic realistic movement. There are however, many trade-offs that can be made to increase responsiveness (e.g. decoupling the animations from the character controller, speeding up the transition animations to run faster than real-time) that are coming in future updates, but some are manually configurable now.
  • A tuning-free out-of-the-box solution
  • A no-code integration solution (if you're looking for low- or no-code, it's probably best to wait for our Game Creator 2 integration (coming soon!) or request an integration with your preferred game toolkit)


Highly-Recommended Optional Integrations Included:

  • Strider for smooth transitions from idle to walk, walk to run, and run to sprint.
  • Final IK (Both Grounder and Full Body Biped IK rig are configured automatically for your character as part of our configuration wizard) for proper foot placement on uneven terrain and ground surfaces (like stairs).
  • iStep: Highly recommended foot placement system for proper foot placement on uneven terrain and ground surfaces (like stairs).
  • Dreamteck Splines: It's free and allows much more detailed and scripted control over character movement! And it's free!

Optional Animation Set Integrations included:

  • Movement Animset Pro (Kubold)
  • Mobility Pro (Mocap Online)
  • Female Movement Animset Pro (Kubold)
  • Toon Movement Animation Set (Our asset)

Requests for integrations with existing controllers, game toolkits, and other assets should be made in the integration request channel of our discord (link below) and, if enough users want the feature, they'll be included in an update or split out as a separate integration asset based on difficulty/complexity of the integration and amount of predicted support required.

This asset is in active development, with more features to be added periodically based both on planned additions and user feedback (see Discord link below to give feedback)!

Documentation: https://threepeatgames.com/mmc_locomotion

Discord: https://discord.gg/FKH5cab7e8

For support and requests, use our Discord or email threepeatgames@gmail.com.

Technical details

Maximum effort will be applied to avoid breaking changes and make updating to new versions of this asset a consistent and smooth process, but since the asset is still in active development, changes may need to be made to API's and integrations.

Please see documentation on our website for Known Issues!

Motion-Matching Locomotion Controller

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File size
136.1 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 8, 2024
Original Unity version
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