Features :
• Compatible with Mobile Devices, WebGL, AR & VR.
• Support dynamic transforms. if you move, rotate, or scale the target objects in runtime, the dimension start and end will update correctly.
• Support Units (Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Inches, Feet, Yard).
• Support Custom Unit if you need a unit that was not in the units list.
• Update TextPosition manually and automatically based on camera position.
• Having control over the materials of each part.
• Having control over the color of each part.
• Highlight dimension when the mouse or XR ray interactor hovers on the text any dimension.
• selection system.
• full control of text size, line thickness, arrow size, etc...
• change the parameters for all dimensions or disconnect some of them to have individual properties.
• Trigger event when selection changed and when the mouse hovered on a dimension.
• different types of offset to avoid Z-fighting and text coverage behind the scene objects.
Limitations :
• This package just works in runtime and does not support the editor yet.
• There may be some bugs when using aligned dimensions in free mode, especially if you rotate the target object. It will be fixed soon.
• The VR scripts are prepared for XR Interaction Toolkit 2.2.0. If you use another VR package, you may need to edit the VR script.
• You can't specify the hovered and selected color exactly. The color will always lerp to its original color.
• We haven't worked on the settings preset manager yet, and if you need to have settings preset, you need to edit the scripts on your own until we implement it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
• We used TextMeshPro and Unity default line. Consider that we are limited to their boundary.
• The VR scene is not included in this version. If you want to use it in VR, you need to download the sample VR script and follow the documentation to set up the VR based on your pipeline.
Road Map :
• Editor support.
• Fix the aligned dimension dynamic target in free mode.
• Create more sample scenes by integrating with popular virtual reality platforms.
• Add input for the grab interactor component for target objects.
• Enhance the text position control for area measures.
• Include perimeter calculation for area measures.
• Add interactive measures, such as rulers, plummets, bubble levels, and other cool measurement tools for VR usage.
• Write more comments inside the scripts and make them more organized.
• Add Preset Manager for Customized Settings
• Improve the overall user interface and user experience.