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Ultimate Solution for creating a top down game with all the controller and camera features you need.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

✔️ Key Features

This asset works for Rigidbody and for Character Controller designed to have a full customizable experience on how you want your controller to behave with all the main feature for any top down game.

✔️ Why Use TOP DOWN 3D PRO ?

  • Highly customizable
  • Easy to use
  • All in one
  • Out of the box
  • Include advance camera system
  • Highly optimized
  • Ready to add animations for each state
Technical details


✔️ Général:

  • Gravity System
  • Air Control
  • Air Speed Modifier
  • Fall Speed Control

✔️ Slops:

Build in unity systems doesn't seem to handle slops sliding that well, this is why we expand on the system to add the ability to defind the maximum slop also sliding in high slops with a controllable speed.

✔️ Movement :

Movement is the most thing you do in any game, having a bad movement feeling may effect your game experience, this is why we focus a lot on movement to make sure you will get the best movement experience in any controller.

✔️Rotation :

Rotation is important in any controller and you want it to be smooth and responsive at the same time, combining the movement system with the rotation system make moving really fun and smooth.

We include 3 Rotation Types:

  • Rotate With Move Direction
  • Rotate To Mouse Position
  • Rotate To Mouse Click

All with a controlable rotation speed.


most top down controllers doesn't include Jumping, luckly the controller handle ground jumping and air jumps, with a precise height in units.


Dashing is a commun feature to have in a top down controller, and one of the most used abilities, since it can be complicated to add dashing to other's controller, we decide to make a dash ability

Dash features :

  • Ability to turn on and off air dash
  • Ability to toggle between dash to move direction or mouse direction
  • Fixed distance in units
  • Cooldown



A camera system is essential for a top down game, lucky TOP DOWN 3D PRO include advance top down / RTS camera system similar to the one in League Of Legends and other MOBA games.

Main Camera Features :

✔️ Smooth Follow

Most of the time the camera will be locked and follow the player this is why a simple task as following a player must feel soft and smooth.

✔️ Lock / Unlock

Ability to toggle between following the player or a free.

✔️ Smooth Edge Scrolling

When you unlock the camera you can move it to explore the map by moving your mouse cursor to the edge of the screen similar to League Of Legends camera scrolling with acceleration and controllable speed and smoothness 

Also you can limit how far your camera will move in both axis

✔️ Smooth Zoom in & out

✔️ Rotation around it self

You can drag and rotate the camera around it self or around the player if it is locked so you can look to the map from another angle 

  • States Handling : ✔️

the controller handle all the movement states to make it easy to add animations and keep track of the current player state, the main states are:

- Idle , Walking , Sprinting , Jumping , Falling , Sliding , Dashing

Other Feature :

  • Customizable Inputs ✔️
  • Small Test Level ✔️


All the features can be toggled on and off for both the controller and the camera

TOP DOWN 3D PRO - Full Top Down Controller

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File size
115.4 KB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jul 11, 2022
Original Unity version
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