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Do you need a chainsaw for your game with chain that spins? Here is a solution for you: a fully animated HD chainsaw. Ideal as a weapon -made as a weapon in fact- or as a simple prop.

This original design has only around 1.6k tris count. It contains HD texture maps (2048x20148). Downscale as needed. There are two base animations included: handler and chain. The first one is when the player equips the weapon and the engine starts, and the second is a loopeable animation of the chain spinning.
Two prefabs are included for immediate action: one for the Mecanim animation system and the other for Legacy.

Want more? Four base colors to play with: red, blue, green and yellow.

What's in this package?

- FBXs for the models and animation clips: All sorted into Mecanim and Legacy subfolders.
- Two prefabs: Just drag and drop and start working with a fully functional HD chainsaw.
- One PBS material where insert all the texture variations: red, blue, green and orange colors.
- A test scene with the Mecanim prefab on it. Hit play and you will see both animations one after another. The second one will make the chain spinning until you press stop.
- Documentation, with instructions and some suggestions to enhance the asset even more!

Please check this video out for a full showcase of the model: shape, texture and animations.

Killing zombies, demons or any other evil creature never was so fun! Have a happy chopping!


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File size
27.8 MB
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Latest release date
Jun 25, 2018
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