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Can be used within your game to transition almost completely seamlessly between different terrain data in runtime! Helps with terrain creation: make save spots which you can load in editor and more!
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Additional compatibility information

-Should be Compatible with most unity terrain tools/assets that use unity terrain as a base.

-Compatible only on Unity Version 2019, for 2020+ Download Terrain Saves Pro 2020+ which you get for free when you purchase this asset.

- Note: the Database for 2019 is not compatible with that of 2020+


Saves Pro (Terrain Transition tool)

**Please back up your project before use**

Note: You will Receive "Terrain Transition Tool (Terrain Saves Pro 2020+)" for free when you purchase this asset!


- Allows you to save all terrain data

- Serializes terrain data

- Can save / load terrain in Editor Mode

- Can save / load terrain in Runtime Mode (Loading Can be seamless unless terrain is massive, refer to video)

- Can load terrain after Project has Been Built (In Build Mode)

- No Limit in how many variations you save

- Can be used to Create terrain presents (Instead of starting on a blank canvas)

- Can manipulate saved Data before load (Replacing tree types, but keeping all other info, such as seed-location, size, rotation and more)

Extra Options:

- Can Omit Trees when loading

- Can Omit Foliage when loading

- Can Omit Terrain Heights when loading

- Can Omit Terrain Holes when Loading

- Can Omit Terrain Textures when Loading (Not Including first)

Persistent Saves

- Completely persistent saves

- Can Export/Import into new project (Must include dependencies when exporting such as trees prefabs)

Works with Terrain Enhanced Tools and most other terrain tools/assets that use unity terrain as a base!

Terrain SavesPro is Persistent Unlike Terrain SavesLite which is included in our other Terrain tools


Source Code Not provided

If you Upgrade project from 2019, you must delete this asset and install "Terrain Transition Tool (Terrain Saves Pro 2020+)"

Warning: the Database from SavesPro 2020+ is not compatible with that of SavesPro 2019

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Technical details

-Terrain serializer

-Terrain Transition tool at runtime

-Terrain Pre-set Importer/Exporter

-Terrain Data save/load at runtime/editor

Terrain Transition Tool (Terrain Saves Pro 2019)

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File size
3.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 22, 2022
Original Unity version
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Terrain Transition Tool (Terrain Saves Pro 2019)