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Sweet Cubes an exciting level-base game in which you touch on a cube to find all cubes that closes it and has the same index as the selected cube and merge them together to create a higher index cube and complete the level. The game is ready to release straight out of the box, and it can also be easily customized to make it even more engaging to your players. Supports for PC/Mac, iOS, Android, etc…!
This template is made with Unity C# and optimized for mobile devices, provides you a full-featured, ready-for-release game source code that you can customize and build your own game in no time !
Compatible with High Definition Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline and Standards Render Pipeline.
Highlight Features:
- Addictive one-touch gameplay
- Smooth control, eye-catching blocky graphics
- Leaderboard system using Dreamlo
- 100++ levels
- Very easy to add new levels with detailed instruction
- Notification system for Android/iOS
- Multiple ad networks: Admob and Unity Ads ready to use (banner, interstitial and rewarded video)
- Native share Android/iOS
- Facebook/Twitter share
- Commented C# code with detailed documentation
- Optimized for mobile
- Free-to-use assets (fonts, sounds, music, models, etc.)
- Ready to publish out of the box
Demo APK
Support email: clawbeargames@gmail.com
Your rating, review and feedback are greatly appreciated!

Sweet Cubes

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File size
32.0 MB
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Latest release date
Mar 12, 2021
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