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Runtime 2D Transform Interactor is a package that allows you to interact with Transform components in 2D easily. It displays a rectangle around the target object, and you can interact with it to move, scale and rotate your Transform components. An orthographic Camera is required.


Here are all the features currently supported by this package:
Changing the position of the transform : When the mouse is on the transform collider, you can move the transform around by simply clicking and dragging it.

Changing the scale of the transform : Clicking and dragging a corner or the edge of the bounding rectangle allows you to rescale the transform on one (for the lines) or 2 (for the corners) axis.

Changing the scale of the transform while keeping the same aspect ratio : You can scale the transform and keep the same aspect ratio if you want to. This feature can either always be activated, activated only when the user presses some customizable hotkeys, or deactivated.

Changing the rotation of the transform : You can rotate the transform by clicking and dragging the rotation gizmo. This feature is deactivable.

Changing the mouse cursor : You can choose the mouse cursor you want to use when the cursor is over the collider of the target, or the corners, edges, and rotation gizmo of the bounding rectangle. Example mouse cursors are available in the package. This feature is deactivable.

Multi-selecting objects : You can select multiple objects that have a TransformInteractor script to move them together using customizable hotkeys. This feature is deactivable.

Customizing the bounding rectangle : Here are the elements of the bounding rectangle that you can customize: The corners sprite The corners color The rotation gizmo sprite The rotation gizmo color The rectangle edges color

Adjusting the size of the bounding rectangle elements to the camera zoom : The corners, edges, and rotation gizmo of the bounding rectangle will always appear the same size on the screen when your camera zooms. The size of each elements can be set by the user. This feature is deactivable.

Runtime 2D Transform Interactor

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108.0 KB
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Latest release date
Apr 19, 2021
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