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If you want to try the controller by yourself, play this free game: https://kingyaninc.itch.io/new-unity-project

Save 40% by buying another Kingyan Incorporated asset first!!! This even stacks up during a sale!!!

Have you ever wanted to make a first person controller that can both pick up and throw objects? Maybe you want to make a physics-based puzzle game that will rival the likes of Portal? But you don’t have the programming know-how or the patience to make one? Then you have clicked on the right asset! or only US$6.99 (nice) free shipping you can get:

- Basic movement using the WASD keys (duh)

- A crouch mechanic with the ability to block standing up using a trigger with the “crouchZone” tag

- A sprinting mechanic with a stamina bar.

- “realistic” jumping (It takes longer to climb up than fall down).

- The ability to pick-up and throw objects (If you use a hinge joint, you can make physics-based doors!).

- The ability to climb slopes and stairs.

- An AudioManager Component

- Clean and well documented code
- Step and collisions sounds

This should hopefully make your player’s movement feel smoother and give your game a less “cheap” feeling! Enjoy!

Also you definitely should look at the comments left in the code HowTo document/video as the package has a lot of complex features.

If you have any questions, you can send an email to lahtal.yanis@gmail.com, and I’ll answer them.

First/Third Person Controller with Pickable objects

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May 17, 2021
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First/Third Person Controller with Pickable objects