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You got your horse, six shooter, and full canteen so you head out into the wild west for authentic adventures. This pack works great for games about America in the late 1800's.
- "Old Western Rock"
- "Wide Country"
- "Saloon Jingle"
Note: The FILES in THIS asset are extra high quality, uncompressed 24-bit wav files at 44.1 khz. The songs in this package are also included in the Super Music Bundle. Please note, due to size limits, and being the largest collection of music on the asset store, the Super Music Bundle is provided in optimized .ogg format (especially great for smaller projects using version control for every branch of their project including art/audio files). Both formats Bohn Studios provides will work on every version from unity 4 to current 2020+ versions.
If you're interested in any of my music, I can give you personalized recommendations based on what you're looking for. I also honor requests regularly so ask on the forums, email me, or use the form on my website. I welcome the opportunity to hear from my existing and prospective customers from around the world. Thanks for your consideration. - Ron
- "Old Western Rock"
- "Wide Country"
- "Saloon Jingle"
Note: The FILES in THIS asset are extra high quality, uncompressed 24-bit wav files at 44.1 khz. The songs in this package are also included in the Super Music Bundle. Please note, due to size limits, and being the largest collection of music on the asset store, the Super Music Bundle is provided in optimized .ogg format (especially great for smaller projects using version control for every branch of their project including art/audio files). Both formats Bohn Studios provides will work on every version from unity 4 to current 2020+ versions.
If you're interested in any of my music, I can give you personalized recommendations based on what you're looking for. I also honor requests regularly so ask on the forums, email me, or use the form on my website. I welcome the opportunity to hear from my existing and prospective customers from around the world. Thanks for your consideration. - Ron
Western Cowboy Music - Volume 3
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Standard Unity Asset Store EULALicense type
File size
98.7 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 29, 2020
Original Unity version
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Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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