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QuestionnaireToolkit is an all-in-one tool to create questionnaires, surveys, and simple UI forms for VR, Desktop, and Mobile applications inside Unity.

It eases the implementation of sophisticated questionnaires and accelerates the overall development process of an application, as developers can focus on other important app-specific features instead.

Supported VR Device Types

* Vive

* Oculus

Key Features

The toolkit provides 8 customizable question items as well as full VR support and a VR keyboard:

* Slider

* Dropdown

* Linear Scale

* Multiple-Choice

* Multiple-Choice Grid

* Checkboxes

* Checkboxes Grid

* Text Input

Generic UI items can be added to supplement a questionnaire or to build a basic UI (e.g., a game menu or a level selector):

* Buttons

* Text

* Image

* Video

Import & Export Questionnaires

Questionnaires can be imported and exported via JSON formatted text files.

Includes 6 pre-built questionnaires: NASA TLX, IPQ, SSQ, SUS, SUS Presence, and SART.

Automated Result Export

A Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) results file can be automatically generated and saved to the filesystem.

Because all creation and editing functionalities are accessible through the Unity Editor, no coding is required to create and run a custom questionnaire in a scene.

The UI elements used are based on the standard Unity UI (UUI) system and TextMeshPro (TMP), making the questionnaire fully compatible with regular UUI/TMP coding.


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File size
2.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jun 16, 2023
Original Unity version
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