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UI Graph is a powerful menu system for Unity that lets you easily create complete user-interfaces by building them visually in a flow graph.

• Build each screen of your user-interface using native Unity UI.
• Visually create the flow of your user-interface in a node-based editor.
• Construct complex multi-screen layouts by nesting screens.
• Customize the transitions between screens using an extensible animation system.

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View Controllers – UI Graph is built upon a powerful View Controller menu system. A view controller manages a single view of content in your user-interface, which can be a whole screen or a smaller section of a screen.

• Easily present, dismiss, embed, and transition between other view controllers.
• Dynamically loaded and unloaded.
• Supports native Unity UI.
• Self-contained in its own resource file, so team members can work on separate screens simultaneously.
• Quickly created with a single menu item in the editor.
• Fully-documented Scripting API.

Container View Controllers – View Controllers can embed, or contain, child view controllers to create multi-screen layouts.

• Build complex multi-screen layouts using view controller containment (nesting).
• Four standard containers are provided – Tab Bar, Stack, Navigation, and Split – which are heavily customizable. A wealth of user-interfaces can be created using combinations of the standard container view controllers.
• Easily configure container view controllers and embed child view controllers by using Graphs (see below).
• Script your own custom container view controllers and even make them 'graphable', just like the standard containers, so all team members can use them in Graphs without coding.

Graphs – Visually create the flow of your user-interface in a node-based editor.

• Quickly add view controllers to the graph with drag & drop.
• Easily create transitions between screens simply by dragging between them, no code required.
Create transitions from graphable view objects, such as buttons.
Configure container view controllers and embed child view controllers without coding.
Create manual transitions - transitions that can be triggered from code, such as when a network request has completed.
• Create custom graphable elements to expose any view object in a graph.
• Intuitive & easy-to-use graph editor.

Transition Animations – Create transition animation sequences without coding using the transition animation system.

Create a transition sequence by adding one or more animations to it, such as Scale, Slide, Fade, and Rotate. Tweak the timing of each animation in the sequence to achieve the desired transition effect.
• Easily script your own animations to use with the sequence animator.

Other Highlights

Interactive Transitions – Support for interactive transitions that feel at home on mobile devices.
World Space Support – The same user-interface can be presented in screen-space or world-space simply by changing its window.
Full Source Code – UI Graph ships with full source code and no DLLs. The package includes Assembly Definition files, so your script compile times in the Editor won't be unnecessarily affected.
Use The View Controller System Directly – The graphing tool is built upon a powerful View Controller menu system, which programmers can use directly if they wish.
Clean Asset Structure - UI Graph is contained within a single folder, does not use any global folders, such as Gizmos or Editor Default Resources, and its demo projects are contained within Asset Packages, which can be easily removed if required.
Two Demo Projects – UI Graph includes two demo projects to provide further reference and example usage. The Assassin demo provides a desktop/console style menu interface, featuring many of the standard container view controllers. Whilst the Chirp demo showcases a common mobile app user-interface, also featuring many of the standard container view controllers and complete with interactive transitions.


UI Graph is compatible with Unity Personal, Plus and Pro. Unity 2019.1 or newer is required.

UI Graph – A Menu System For Unity

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