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The particle systems, bursting head, bursting belly, guts, bloody explosion, small decals on the body, and creating decals on the material for any surfaces.
Shaders open in the amplify shader editor.
Additional nodes have been created for amplify shader editor to make a good blood effect and so you can change it and use it for Terrain.
Decals have been optimized, decals are fast because they are not created using separate geometry, but are created by a Shader on a single material.
In order to make a realistic head rupture, the effects were made on the example of video of real murders, in the head not so much blood that a large not separate volume of liquid flew out of the head as in other blood assets, because of the shot, the blood is divided into small droplets and shatters, in reality, basically only pieces of meat can be seen.
Prefabs effects you can easily use on their models.
There are shaders for standard render and for LWRP.
If you have any questions or issues with the assets, contact me: dmiitriy23@gmail.com

Blood and meat

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226.4 MB
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Nov 27, 2019
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