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Looking for a Greek/Roman god/hero or gladiator? You're in the right place! :D

Gladiators are cool because they're strong and brave, extremely flexible in battle. The gladiator knows that one must make frequent sacrifices to win a war, and the arena is unforgiving and has no time for shed tears or bloody noses.

Gladiators are used to standing behind the gates of the arena and hearing the roar of the crowd and the dying screams of the combatants. They have overcome amazing odds time and time again, so much so that they are almost never phased by combat.


- Humanoid ready character and animations (can be switched to Legacy also :D)
- Dynamic cloth component already setup
- Total 23 animations (root motions included)
- 4096x4096 .tga textures (normal map and specular map are included)
- Triangles count: 17254
- Animations: ready, attack 1, attack 1 root motion, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4, attack 5, cast magic, death, hit 1, hit 2, stand, idle, run, run root motion, strafe left, strafe left rootmotion, strafe right, strafe right root motion, walk, walk root motion jump, jump root motion.


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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
87.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Feb 26, 2018
Original Unity version
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