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Sky Master is a premium weather system, with Dynamic Sky, Weather, Volumetric Clouds, Lighting, GI & Ocean modules, covering the majority of game & performance requirement scenarios in all pipelines.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

The URP-HDRP remakes of the system (including Unity 6 URP RenderGraph) are available to all users of this package on request in Sky Master forum thread and a Personal Message in Unity forum or ARTnGame Discord with the invoice. The Betas are standalone projects and any prior Sky Master installation should be removed before installing them. Unity Post Processing Stack is required (BiRP version).


Sky Master is a premium weather system for Unity, enjoy the most extensive Dynamic Sky, Weather, Volumetric Cloud - Lighting, Dynamic GI & Ocean solution, covering the vast majority of game and performance requirement scenarios in all pipelines. The store version is for BiRP and URP and HDRP versions are available on request.


ARTnGAME OFFER: Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to the Environment Building Bundle with a big discount for only $69 versus $460 normal price!


Big bonus for Sky Master ULTIMATE users, upgrade to all other ARTnGAME assets with big discounts. Check inside each individual asset page to see the discounted amount, after own Sky Master ULTIMATE.


Sky Master ULTIMATE can be upgraded to Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 for $5 and to InfiniGRASS for $29 for a limited time.


Sky Master ULTIMATE asset officially supports BiRP up to Unity 2019.

The new Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 version that is for Unity 2021.3 and above (BiRP pipeline) includes everything in Sky Master ULTIMATE, with the addition of a Tornado and Global Snow & Rain systems and adapation to Unity 2021.3 LTS. Oceanis Standard Pipeline Beta v0.3f1 is also available for Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 on request.

For support please visit the Sky Master Forum Thread or the ARTnGame Discord Channel

The system is now compatible with Unity 6 URP RenderGraph in Unity 6 LTS in the latest Sky Master ULTIMATE Release Candidate 27. It includes industry level optimized Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Lighting, an Ocean system, GI Proxy and optimized SEGI for real time Global Illumination and a physically based Sky Rendering system with atmospheric scattering.

The versions of the URP and HDRP complete remakes of the system are available to all users of Sky Master ULTIMATE and Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 on request in the Sky Master Unity forum thread, or through a Personal Message in Unity forum or ARTnGame Discord Channel with the invoice or order number. The pipeline versions are separate standalone projects and the store system installation should be removed before installing the URP or HDPR packages.

The Sky Manager provides automatic or on demand day/night cycle & smooth weather transitions.

Sky Master ULTIMATE features (PDF)

Windows Demos (Use Fantastic quality):

InfiniCLOUD (Vegetation created & optimized with InfiniGRASS v2.0)

Atoll Light Scatter

GI Proxy Volume Lighting | Airplane

Dark Mood Dynamic Particle Clouds

Fall through clouds

The skybox mode offers complete integration with Unity and all its features (IBL, GI, Skybox).

Advanced particle effects like global/local Turbulence & Attractors, Particle sticking- propagation-spreading & particle to particle collisions (ideal for ice/fire simulation), Tornadoes, Volumetric Fog/Smoke, volcanic eruption & lava flow, rain, chain lightning & more are also included.

Create spectacular skies, dynamic clouds and weather systems, with time of day and seasonal changes. Use indirect lighting with Global Illumination Proxy system.

The system has been created to deliver realistic Skies & Weather effects, with seasons and dynamic clouds, scalable depending on the hardware target. Sky Master works on all platforms (most modules of v3.2 are mobile ready*, some modules like the volumetric fog are Desktop only. The mobile version of all features will be integrated in the configurator in v3.3 of the asset).

The new in v3.0 Ocean system provides a complete water solution, with shore lines, underwater, multiple wave options and fast speeds.

*For details on mobile platform support for the various Sky Master v3.0 modules and demos for testing on Android, please contact me in the support email or the forum thread.

The framework is written in C# code and the source code is provided. The GI Proxy asset is bundled in the pack.


Sky Master ULTIMATE v3.0 video playlist

Sky Rendering | Volumetric clouds

Season Cycle | Volumetric Fog

Unity 5 Ocean | Volume particle cloud bed

Sky Master ULTIMATE v2.0 Demo

Mobile APK demo for Android (v3.3)

If you have any requests for new features or feedback and for Mobile demos, please visit the Unity forum thread.

For support, contact me via


Sky Master Forum Thread

ARTnGame Discord Channel

More info on the official website

For tutorials & latest information, visit Sky Master forum.

Tutorial Videos

ARTnGame Asset Upgrades Guide

The URP and HDRP complete remakes of the system are available to all users on PM request in Sky Master Unity forum thread.

The URP and HDRP versions are being developed on and guaranteed to work in Unity 2019 (2019.4.22f and above) and Unity 2021.3 LTS (2021.3.0f and above, including Unity 6000.0.25f1).

The system is working in Multi Pass VR in the Standard Pipeline, it has not been tested in Single Pass modes. Also the URP and HDRP versions have not been fully tested and are not guaranteed to work on VR, some URP modules have been confirmed by users to work on Multi pass VR, but the system in general will not support officially VR going forward.

Not all parts of the system is for every platform, so not all parts are guaranteed to work on Mobile, or WebGL or other special platforms like consoles. Windows is the official fully supported platform where everything is tested and submitted from.

(*) Note that Ethereal core, which includes the complete Ethereal volume lighting functionality, is included in the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP, currently available through Google Drive download to all Sky Master ULTIMATE users. The Ethereal standalone asset has an extra library of Forest assets and demos and many more demo scenes for reference, so an upgrade path is offered if those extra demos and URP forest assets and foliage shaders are needed.

Sky Master ULTIMATE asset is for Standard Pipeline and users of the system can enter the testing phase of the upcoming Sky Master ULTIMATE URP and Sky Master ULTIMATE HDRP assets, each remade from ground up for the specific pipeline.

Currently Sky Master ULTIMATE UPR Version 26 (Unity 2022.3), URP beta 27 (Unity 6) and HDRP Version 16 are available to all Sky Master ULTIMATE and Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 (Standard Pipeline systems) users for download in Google Drive (December 2024 releases). Please provide the invoice or order number in a personal message to be eligible for the Beta phase of the new URP and HDRP upcoming assets. 

Also the asset must have been downloaded to enter any of the Betas, not need to install it or download whole, only start the downloaded. Oceanis Standard Pipeline Beta v0.3f1 is also available.

Technical details

Sky Master ULTIMATE v5.0 features

- Biomes system, triggered by splat map features or region center points

- Optimized Real time global illumination, voxel based and screen space versions

- Global controller to tie the day night system, biomes and new clouds together

- New eclipse system

- Interactive snow system

- Vertex based rain and snow for massive performance boost in weather effects

Sky Master ULTIMATE v4.0 features

- Added the new volumetric cloud system with better lighting, atmospheric light scatter and fly through support.

Sky Master ULTIMATE v3.4 features

- New Gradient and Curve based coloration and parameter adjustment system for easy and powerful sky, cloud and fog control

- Volumetric evolving clouds with light scatter and fogging

- Volumetric lighting system for sun shafts on any sun direction with light scatter

- New water features including embedded fogging in water shader

- Caustics and underwater enhancements

- Enhanced configurator system, with increased usability

- Rainbow system for rainy weather

- Volcano added in Special FX

- New Shuriken option for Volumetric Particle clouds

- Support for Relief Terrain Pack (RTP) asset snow and water-rain on land features

- More options for wind controls on clouds

- New weather event system features, including weather looping

- Support for Infinite terrains with player follow system

- Support for InfiniGRASS v2.0

Sky Master v3.3 features:

- New moon positioning, fading & phases system with accurate lighting from sun, based on latitude/longitude and TOD

- New volume cloud shaders, with atmospheric scattering

- New galaxy system, with dynamic stars

- Eclipses handling

- Complete mobile demo scene

- New river flow shader

New Sky Master v3.2 features:

- New volume cloud shaping feature, for customized cloud formations

- New enchanced GI Proxy demo scene & controls

- Underwater transitions on actual wave height option & controls

- Added first version of mobile water (supports toon texture, reflection, transparency, foam & shore FX, specular, fresnel control, local waves & interaction with player, gerstner waves, optimized performance)

- Added local wave controls

Sky Master ULTIMATE v3.0 Features

Extreme optimization, all systems working together (sky-ocean-volume clouds-shader clouds) may take as little as 4ms CPU usage or less.

Ocean - Water system

- Spectacular & performant bodies of water

- Underwater emulation (fog, caustics, sun beams, transition works from water level)

- Reflection and refraction

- Foam and shore lines

- Presets (e.g. Ocean, River, Lake, Atoll)

- Extremely fast GPU based solution

- Wave height calculation & floating objects

- Point light support

- Local waves & ripples

​Volumetric clouds

- New fade in/out system

- New shader with scatter effect for realism

- New vertical formation option

- Point light interaction for volumetric lightning

- Smooth cloud motion & wind emulation

- Particle rotation stabilization system on Camera roll

New dynamic lightning system, with branches & glow effect

Moon phases

Latitude / Longitude based Sun Positioning

Snow System

- New snow & mud puddle shader, for meshes and Unity terrain, SM2.0-3.0 support

- Gradual snow coverage & melt away

- Integration with InfiniGRASS asset, Unity & SpeedTree trees-billboards, meshes.


- New water drops on camera shader, with refraction & water drop motion

- Screen freeze effect integrated in the shader

Volume Lit particles

- Particle shader that receives light (directional & point/spot light)

Shader Based Cloud Dome for emulation of higher clouds

Sky Master Editor - Configurator - Library

- Global configurator for easy sky-ocean creation & control of Sky Master systems

- Particle scaler

- Library with ready to use sky, water & cloud presets

Volume Weather

- New Volume Weather module that uses the volumetric clouds & fog for realistic weather effects.

- New refractive rain & splashes

- Weather events system

New Airplane - Boat - Atoll demos/mini games

Sky Master ULTIMATE v2.0 Features

- Volumetric fog as image effect, for spectacular atmospheric effects, with precision gradient color control

-Centralized Volumetric fog and sun beams control with preset system, for easy access to various settings.

-Speed Tree integration and seasonal color control of Unity terrain placed trees

-New special effects like chain lightning, Refractive lit rain, ice spreading, flocks

-Custom Prefab Creation scene, with detailed Instructions to help put together a custom prefab

-Volumetric cloud enchancements including TOD control & sprite sheet use for texture variety.

-Volumetric cloud shadows & lightning

-New lightning modes with line rendering, for extra detailed effects

-Integration with Horiz(ON) asset

-New moon rendering controls and presets

-New preset samples for sky rendering, fog and clouds, ready to use directly in game

- NEW(v1.5)-Complete integration with Unity 5 & all its features (IBL, GI, Skybox) with the new skybox mode.

- NEW(v1.5)-Artistic dynamic effects in sky shading (e.g. heat haze shimmering, sepia)

- NEW(v1.5)-New performance oriented shader & asset bundle & more ready to use prefabs.

- NEW(v1.5)-Volumetric scatter fog shading for mesh and Unity terrains

- REAL SKY - Physically based atmospheric scattering, for realistic sky rendering & Artistic special effects.

- REAL CLOUDS - Dynamic cloud formations, affected by season and wind. Volumetric particle clouds & fog.

- REAL SUN RAYS - Dynamic sun beams, with smooth transitions & occlusion system.

- REAL WEATHER - Seasonal control of weather effects, with smooth transitions

- REAL STORM - Heavy storm simulation, with dynamic cloud fronts, lightning & lighting effects

- REAL TORNADO - Dynamic controllable tornadoes

- REAL FREEZE - with Ice system, for ice spreading, propagation and stick to objects.

- REAL VOLCANO -realistic volcanic eruption, smoke & lava flow.

- REAL LIGHTING - Global Illumination Proxy for indirect lighting.

- IBL Proxy for Sky color based lighting.

- Area lights Proxy (with point lights), GI enabled.

- Support for Jove point lights for GI.

Changes log

Sky Master ULTIMATE: Volumetric Skies, Clouds & Weather

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Sky Master ULTIMATE: Volumetric Skies, Clouds & Weather