Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
📣 Beavy Store Presents
A huge bundle includes 4 different UI Kit Pro packs.
Original total price is $189.96 and drops to $144.99 (🎉 Save 25% 🎉)
You can view more details about packs below.
Beavy is the beaver who is our cute character working hard to help us. We're a happy indie game developer couple making a game of our journey. We design our game's levels from our experiences while travelling different cities. You can follow the adventure on Our Instagram New adventures are on the way and Beavy has full of passion to help us by selling our game assets to talented game developers like you. Please follow Beavy's Instagram to catch up for new assets.
We hope your project will be the next big thing.
Best wishes.
😊 🤞
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