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Fox Dog character for games and animations. The model is game ready and compatible with all Unity versions.

Supports Humanoid Animation:

- Unity Humanoid compatible.

- Mixamo and other humanoid animation libraries (MoCap).

- Removable Tail, which can be used as a static tail in case MoCap is used. Tail can also be animated after animation from motion capture is applied. Native Maya rig files can be requested through email for such animation modifications.

The model is low poly with four texture resolutions 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024 & 512x512. Lighting is baked in the texture and should be used with an Unlit/Texture shader.

The package includes 18 Animations which are as follows:

1. Run
2. Idle
3. Jump
4. Leap left
5. Leap right
6. Skidding
7. Roll
8. Crash & Death
9. Power up
10. Whirl
11. Whirl jump
12. Waving in air
13. Backwards run
14. Dizzy
15. Gum Bubble
16. Gliding
17. Waving
18. Looking behind

The model is game ready at:

- 3696 Polygons
- 3679 Vertices

The model is UV mapped with non-overlapping UV's. The shadows and lights are baked in the texture, although you can add more lights and shadows for rendering and use it as you please.

Fox Dog Animated

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
13.7 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 14, 2021
Original Unity version
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