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6 Atmospheric SciFi Loop-able background music and 23 musical SFXs & stingers for your game!

Mysterious ambient sci-fi music ideal for an Eerie, dark and yet hopefull atmosphere in your interstellar game


1. No Man's Sky

2. Astroneer

3. Somerville


1. Danger Ahead (3:21)

Full_End; Full_Loop;

No_Melody_End; No_Melody_Loop;


2. It's A Strange Planet (2:24)

Full_End; Full_End_v2; Full_Loop_v2;

No_Guitar_End; No_Guitar_End_v2; No_Guitar_Loop_v2;

Ambience_Only_End; Ambience_Only_End_v2;

3. A Pale Blue Dot (2:10)

Full_End; Full_End_v2;

Full_Loop; Full_Shorter_Loop;

No_Melody_End; No_Melody_End_v2;

No_Melody_Loop; No_Melody_Shorter_Loop;

4. On My Own (2:56)

Full_End; Full_Loop;

No_Melody_End; No_Melody_Loop;

No_Noise_End; No_Noise_Loop;

Ambience_Only_End; Ambience_Only_Loop;

5. Cosmic Caves (2:16)

Full_End; Full_Loop;

No_Melody_End; No_Melody_Loop;

No_Guitar_End; No_Guitar_Loop;

6. From The Spaceship Window (2:27)

Full_End; Full_Loop;

No_Melody_End; No_Melody_Loop;

Stingers & SFx

1. Guitar Harmonic SFX 1 (5s)

2. Guitar Harmonic SFX 2 (5s)

3. Guitar Harmonic SFX 3 (5s)

4. Reverse Piano SFX 1 (4s)

5. Reverse Piano SFX 2 (4s)

6. Reverse Piano SFX 3 (4s)

7. Synth Piano SFX 1 (1s)

8. Synth Piano SFX 2 (1s)

9. Synth Piano SFX 3 (1s)

10. Synth Piano Stinger (2s)

11. Synth Piano 2 SFX 1 (3s)

12. Synth Piano 2 SFX 2 (3s)

13. Synth Piano 2 SFX 3 (3s)

14. Synth Piano 3 SFX 1 (3s)

15. Synth Piano 3 SFX 2 (3s)

16. Synth Piano 3 SFX 3 (3s)

17. Synth Piano 3 Stinger (3s)

18. Synth SFX 1 (3s)

19. Synth SFX 2 (3s)

20. Synth Stinger 1 (3s)

21. Synth Stinger 2 (3s)

22. Synth Stinger 3 (3s)

23. Synth Stinger 4 (3s)

Suport: erickseminogoncalves@gmail.com

If you didn't find the kind of music you were looking for, drop me an email and I'll be happy to create the music that is just right for your game or media!

Technical details

Audio file types: .WAV

Sample rate: 48000Hz

Bit depth: 24 bit PCM

Loopable: Yes

Additional: Stereo

Created with AI

Cover image generated by AI

Ambient Sci-Fi Music Pack - Deep Space Exploration

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File size
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Latest release date
Jan 30, 2025
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Ambient Sci-Fi Music Pack - Deep Space Exploration