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Soft Hero - universal and fun character.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible


Artists and animators have a very cool exercise - to convey the full range of emotions with the help of a pillow character. I had the idea to bring this character to the vastness of game development. The Soft Hero is a very fan character who will test your game design.

You will also find several more characters, environment elements and interactive objects in the asset. And of course, a dynamic classic tile set for building levels, which includes tiles of sand, earth, rock, water and lava. You can see all the graphics included in the set in the demo video.

Of course, you can't make a full-fledged game out of this set, but it's perfect for beginners who are starting their career in game development and want to do it with a fan.

By the way, the level from the demo video was made using the Corgi Engine - many thanks to its creator for the opportunity to quickly feel the production process of the game. You can find the Corgi Engine on the Unity Asset Store.

Note: The mechanics and sounds in the demo video are NOT included. All mechanics shown in the demo were created using Unity + Corgi Engine Unity Asset.

License nuances: You can use all characters and graphics for commercial projects with the exception of Soft Hero. I'd like to keep it in a game development environment like a mascot ;)

P.S. : The Soft Hero's jumping sound, which suits him so well, is part of Corgi Engine Asset.

Thanks and Good Luck!

Technical details

Asset includes:

7 characters:

Black Bat (128x128 RGBA)

anims: idle

Crazy Chick (256x256 RGBA)

anims: idle, run, shoot

Jumper Frog (256x256 RGBA)

anims: idle, touched

Lava Slime (384x256 RGBA)

anims: idle

Mr. Evil (256x256 RGBA)

anims: idle

Piranha (256x256 RGBA)

anims: idle

Soft Hero (256x256 RGBA):

anims: idle, move, jump up, jump down, crouch, dangling, push, dive, wall cling, dash

Environment Sprites:

Mountain (2048x1423 RGBA)

Rainbow (2048x1423 RGBA)

spriteSheet Clouds (1024x809 RGBA)

3 types of Bushes (640x640, 640x512, 1024x512 RGBA)

spriteSheet of Lianas (512x512 RGBA)

Sun (256x256 RGBA)

Dino Clear and Dirty (896x809 RGBA)

Pointer (256x256 RGBA)

spriteSheet Seashells (256x256 RGBA)

UFO Clear and Dirty (896x384 RGBA)

Wall Fire (512x512 RGBA)

FX SpriteSheets:

JumpDust (2048x256 RGBA)

Explosion (1792x256 RGBA)

Feathers (512x512 RGBA)

Interactive Objects:

Box (128x128 RGBA)

Push Box (256x256 RGBA)

Push Stone (256x256 RGBA)

Treasure (256x128 RGBA)

Treasure Opened (256x128 RGBA)

Raft (512x512 RGBA)

spriteSheet Liana (2048x4096 RGBA)

Smart Classic Tile Pallete with Tile Rules (128x128 - one tile) +

Visual Effect Sprites (water waves, lava blobs, grass)

Spikes Tile Pallete (128x128 - one tile)

! All animated objects and characters have a prefab with animatorController.

The total number of sprites is 108.

Soft Hero: 2D Platformer Tileset

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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
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Multi Entity
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Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
7.6 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jan 31, 2025
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