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Meta XR Haptics SDK for Unity provides a high-level, media-based API for playing haptic clips authored in Haptics Studio on Quest controllers. Playing back a haptic clip causes the controller to vibrate according to the vibration pattern stored in the clip.
The Haptics SDK provides a unified haptics API, regardless of the type of Quest controllers that are connected. The SDK detects the controller at runtime and optimizes the haptic pattern, maximizing the controller’s capabilities. This feature ensures your haptic clips are both backward and forward compatible with Quest devices.
To get started, see the documentation on designing and integrating haptics.
Minimal Unity Version - 2021.3.26f1.
Release Notes - See the release notes for more information.
Documentation - See the documentation on designing and integrating haptics for information about how to get started developing for Oculus with Unity, or the Scripting Reference for a detailed API reference.
This is a Restricted Asset pursuant to the Asset Store EULA. Your use of this SDK or tool is subject to the Meta Platform Technologies SDK License Agreement.