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Unity Version | Built-in | URP | HDRP |
2021.3.31f1 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
HDRP and URP need to be generated - contact us if you need one of these versions.
This Relative Space Framework asset is designed to free third-party assets from absolute numerical constraints and jitter, enabling greater scale, fidelity, and performance. Continuous, open worlds, with networked multiplayer, are now possible without the problematic hacks of “shifting” solutions and fake "floating origins".
Supports embedding in your asset and auto-conversion of player character/vehicle absolute motion to stationary relative motion.
Dynamic Resolution Spaces (DRS) includes the following framework components:
1. Continuous Floating Origin (CFO) and extends scalability with dynamic space management.
2. Count Zeros Clock (CZC). Implements Temporal Floating Origin for improved time fidelity and management. Adds dynamic space management to solve distant relative jitter in larger Worlds.
It is recommended to install into a new project first.
Developed primarily for other programmers. However, if you are not familiar with coding, you can find help on one of the channels below, utube or discord are the best choices.
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Powered by the Floating Origin©® meta-algorithm. Trademarked to protect you from false and misleading information as much as my IP.
Low-impact easy third-party integration is supported
Documents are included describing:
- Multiplayer Network support for capsule and external asset characters. Stationary zero-centered motion and interaction, physics supported. No other net game mechanics yet. Network asset integrations: a. Mirror Network b. FishNet (currently not working).
- Vehicle as player: tested with: HeneGames, NWH Aerodynamics, NWH vehicle physics 2, NWH Water Physics 2 (in progress), and Vehicle Physics Pro.
- Drag-drop integration of animation assets and conversion into playable interactive characters. Batch conversion feature. Animation assets supported:
- BitGem: Ghouls, Dungeon mason: Scifi hero robot, Explosive: Crafting Mechanim, Kevin Iglesias Basic Motions, Marcelo Bario's Robot Soldier and Robot Pack 2, Maksim Bugrimov's: Adventure Character, Sci_fi Character renegade, "Dwarfs", and PBR Customised Soldier packs; Mixamo Melee axe pack, Ramsterz: Witch Hag Animations, Rukha93: Modular Stylized Character, Synty Studios: Polygon Farm, Polygon Mech, and Move Motion Pack; N-Hance Studio: Stylized Fantasy Werewolf, Toon Harbor Pack, Julhiecio GameDev: JU TPS 3, UMA 2, Unity: Robot Kyle, and ZOMBIE PRO: MoCap Animation Pack.
4. Space Graphics Toolkit (SGT): Integration offers a replacement for SGT "floating object" system) and scaling up of objects, such as planets, to full-scale.
5. Game Kit Controller (GKC): For CFO only: An interface (API) provides an integration capability. DRS: A low-impact integration method was developed, which caters for third-party assets with impulse (add-force) controllers. Includes initial animation and protocol to drive nonLocal player avatars over the network. This is not available at the moment (from mid 2024), until problems with recent GKC versions are solved.
Other integrations (not documented separately):
3D Space Graphics Toolkit, Vol 3. by Creepy Cat
Space Station : ISS by Studio Lab
Earth Rendering Free by Zheng Rong
Extensive testing of embedding in a range of third-party assets.
More development in networked multiplayer.
Improvements to full-scale Earth space run and destination scenes.
1. Automated support for converting animations into playable characters with unrestricted interactive physics performance.
2. Stationary relative action: a perfect fit for VR.
3. DRS provides the basis for large-scale space and speed, continuous relative travel, with high fidelity, over Solar System distances. e.g.: Solar system travel without moving.
4. Solves Distant Relative Jitter (DRJ): DRJ and Wandering Tower problem that is not prevented by the Continuous Floating Origin asset. Solves precision/jitter for surfaces and textures, planetary scale travel, and sensitive physics interactions.
5. Stationary interaction and physics: e.g. when the player collides with an object, the player remains stationary and the entire world is moved away instead.
6. Turns a predefined large-scale scenegraph structure into one that dynamically changes, refining fidelity and resolution, as the player approaches a local detailed region.
7. Temporal Floating Origin (TFO) timed function mapping (via CZC) to improve the fidelity of temporal logic and calculations and protect long-running games from increasing time error.
8. Works directly with CFO and TFO for optimal fidelity.
9. Uses only single precision to achieve accuracy and scale that normally requires double precision. Consequently, DRS also supports higher floating-point bandwidth compared to using double precision.
10. Easy configuration from single to multiplayer by adding more than one player prefab.
11. Drag-drop selection of avatar prefabs for players. E.g. see section on vehicle as player.
12. Multitasking/timers design freedom from Coroutines tied to Monobehaviors tied to Scene objects. The long-term plan is to replace most mono-coroutine-timed operations with more efficient and flexible code.
13. Loosley-coupled impulse (add-force) controller integration capability.
14. Reduced reliance on predefined Scene tags by dynamically creating player/camera/vehicle hierarchy.
15. UI toolkit menu buttons for controlling the application are optional: the code will work with the UI Toolkit asset disabled.
16. Working on a partial demo of stationary vehicle riding with vehicle collisions.
17. Supports player prefabs based on Character Controller, Rigidbody (kinematic or not), including vehicles.
1. You will have the freedom to design full-scale worlds to planetary size with a single Unity scenegraph and still be able to navigate it as a continuous high-fidelity space.
2. No procedural methods required, other than the Dynamic Spaces code.
3. You will not have to use double-precision variables that have to be typecast down to single precision and require double the CPU/cache, network, and CPU/graphics bandwidth.
4. Map/space design flexibility. The places where you need high resolution can be anywhere. You do not have to divide the map into fixed-sized sectors/chunks because of some jitter limit.
5. You will not be forced to use hacks like scaling down objects, or complicated, slower object/origin-shifting, sectorising maps, the complexity of managing sector transitions, and portals/jumps are not required.
6. Improved performance with many common calculations like distance determination.
7. Improved time fidelity with the included implementation of Temporal Floating Origin.
8. Greater design freedom via the multi-tasking implementation of Count Zero's Clock.
9. No need for multiple special "floating origin" objects and Scene nodes. Some object-shifting or fake floating origin assets rely on such purpose-built things for each object/entity you need to scale. This asset works with standard scene nodes and objects.
In summary, the benefits are: increased scale, performance, design flexibility, and simplicity; with multiplayer and third-party character controller support.
AI was used to generate initial images of UI menu buttons based on a common theme and style. These were then edited in an image tool. The menu is optional and the code will operate normally if it is disabled.
Dynamic Resolution Spaces: real Floating Origin