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Eadon Advanced Crafting is an in game crafting addon for Invector TPC
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Important!! If you're updating from a version before 2.0, please remove the old version before importing the current one

Eadon Advanced Crafting is a crafting add-on for Invector Third Person Controller (Melee or Shooter).

In order to utilize Eadon Advanced Crafting for Invector you MUST OWN a copy of Invector Melee or Invector Shooter

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Important: when you import the package, you need to follow the instructions in the scene view!

Please do a clean install if you upgrade to remove files no longer needed

It has the following features:

- Crafting in game instead of in the inventory

- Crafting based on crafting recipes

- Recipes can be implicit (i.e. everyone knows them) or explicit (i.e. they need to be found/bought)

- Everything can be an ingredient (including weapons, consumables, etc)

- Custom animations for crafting

- Supports locations for crafting (i.e. you need to be in a forge to craft a sword)

- Supports the concept of tools (you need certain items in your inventory to be able to craft, but tools are not consumed like ingredients)

- Interruptible crafting: you can start and stop and continue later (if the recipe allows it); you might also lose your ingredients if interrupted (configurable)

- Integration with Eadon RPG for Invector: you can have a crafting recipe require a specific race, class, alignment, skill or talent

- Crafting Machines (require Eadon RPG for Invector)

Documentation can be found here: Cogs & Goggles website

Eadon Advanced Crafting is used in the game Carth (available on Steam)

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Eadon Advanced Crafting

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4.3 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Dec 30, 2024
Original Unity version
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