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Unity 필수에셋
Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 URP is a stylized game environment that showcases the advanced rendering performance, cutting-edge lighting capabilities, and strong mobile optimization of URP.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible


This project is intended for educational purposes only. By using the Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 URP project package, you agree to the terms outlined in the Non standard Unity Asset Store End User License Agreement (“EULA”). The EULA can be found in the license.txt file included in the package, as well as in the description on this page.

Opening the project

The project can either be imported into an empty URP or BIRP project or into a completely new project using the "Switch Project" option at import time.

Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 URP is a stylized demo environment created with the goal of improving and validating the capabilities of Unity 6 for rendering, lighting, and performance of URP (Universal Render Pipeline) for multiplatform development, including mobile projects. The demo leverages Unity's improved CPU and GPU graphics performance, Adaptive Probe Volumes, and VFX Graph. It is also enriched with vegetation assets created with SpeedTree.

To create this project, Synty Studios' asset package POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom was utilized, modified, and the assets were further optimized for mobile performance.

Note that Unity’s project Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 and the assets contained within are intended to be used for educational purposes only. If you are interested in using the assets from this demo in your projects, you can purchase POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom on the Asset Store.

About Synty Studios

Synty Studios is a leading Unity Asset Store publisher, renowned for their high-quality, stylized art packs. Their POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom asset pack exemplifies their commitment to providing versatile and visually stunning assets for Unity developers.

Interested in using the Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 assets in your project?

For commercial licensing and to experience the modular flexibility of the original POLYGON Fantasy Kingdom asset pack, visit Synty Studios on the Asset Store.

Other information

This demo was produced by Unity’s Demo team, with the help of Incineration Productions, a game development studio specializing in collaborations and original IP creation.

For more information about the features utilized and to access a variety of learning resources, visit the project's official webpage.

Technical details

Opening the project

The project can either be imported into an empty URP or BIRP project or into a completely new project using the "Switch Project" option at import time.

Target devices

This project requires Unity 6 and has a recommended minimum hardware specification of an iPhone 13 or equivalent and a Samsung S22 or equivalent.

Unity features

The project utilizes the following Unity features:

  • Render performance, quality, and scope
    • Unity’s Universal Render pipeline (URP)
    • GPU Resident Drawer
    • Vulkan support
    • Spatial Temporal Post-Processing
    • Render Graph
    • Shader Graph
    • GPU occlusion culling
  • Lighting
    • APV
  • Speedtree
    • Wind
  • VFX Graph
    • 6-way smoke
    • Instance rendering of the VFX graph

Unity products

The project utilizes the following Unity products:

  • Unity 6.0
  • SpeedTree 10

Fantasy Kingdom in Unity 6 | URP

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