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Sound FX

This pack contains 235 weapon sounds
Carbine 32 sounds: BulletCarbine-3 souds, CarbineShot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds)
CarbineSilencer Shot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds) Shutter 3 sounds
ShutterShort 3 sounds, TriggerHook 3 sounds.

Pistol 38 sounds: BulletPistol 3 sounds, GetHolder 2 sounds, Holder 1 sounds, InsertHolder 2 sounds
PistolShot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds), ShortInsertHolder 2 sounds, Shutter 4 sounds
Silencer 2 sounds, SilencerShot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds), TriggerHook 2 sounds

Revolver 32 sounds: BulletRevolver 3 sounds, CloseRevolver 3 sounds, OpenRevolver 3 sounds,
PullTheTrigger 5 sounds, Revolver Shot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds),
TriggerHook 3 sounds, Turn 5 sounds.

Rifle 41 sounds: BulletRifle -3 sounds, Insert 2 sounds, InsertShort 2 sounds, PullOut 2 sounds,
RifleShot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds), RifleShutter 4 sounds, RifleShutter1Short 4 sounds,
Silencer 2 sounds, Silencer Rifle Shot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds), TriggerHook 2 sounds.

Shotgun 22 sounds: Bullet 3 sounds, Shutgun Shot 10 sounds (5 noreverb and 5 reverb sounds),
Shutter Shotgun 3 sounds, Shutter Shotgun1 Short 3 sounds, TriggerHook 3 sounds.

Source 70 sounds: CarbineShot 10 sounds, PistolShot 10 sounds, RevolverShot 1o sounds, RifleShot 10 sounds
ShotgunShot 10 sounds, SilencerPistolShot 10 sounds, SilencerRifleShot 10 sounds.

The Source folder contains raw gunshot sounds

Reloading and Weapons SFX

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File size
19.1 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Mar 20, 2020
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