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Are you creating a video game set in the Middle Ages where you want the battle music and sounds to be as historically accurate as possible? Then this audio pack is what you need.

Watch the video presentation of the LITE version here.

Download and test the FREE pack here!

The soundtracks have been carefully composed using a combination of virtual instruments from the Middle Ages and live instruments such as drums, recorders, bagpipes and shofar to ensure historical accuracy. The melodies and general sonority are based on extensive listening of pieces of music that could be heard on a battle field around the 10th and 11th century and on research of early medieval music harmony. The music accurately resembles what a marching band of musicians would play during a battle in the early medieval ages.

In this pack, you will find:

- Six low intensity loops for a peaceful atmosphere or when there is a low level of action going on.

Six high intensity loops for a battle atmosphere or when there is a high level of action going on.

One master script that automatically plays the right atmosphere randomly for you and transitions between Peace and Battle states using a fade out function.

Regarding file formats, all of the loops are in *.OGG format in 192 kbps quality.

Authentic Medieval Battle Music (Lite)

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