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"RPG Orchestral Essentials (Legacy)" is a collection of 30 high-quality and royalty-free orchestral music tracks covering every essential theme, suitable for RPGs, JRPGs and more!

The "Legacy" library is a lite version of the full library, "Reborn", which includes 11 more tracks in addition to fully remastered recordings of the "Legacy" tracks, giving you 2 versions to choose from (totaling 71 total WAVs!)

Those that buy the "Legacy" version of the library are able to upgrade to the "Reborn" edition at any time for the difference in price ($19.99).

README, Track List, Suggested Uses & Looping Metadata (.PDF)

Audio Preview (SoundCloud)

Note: The audio examples are lower quality MP3 recordings. This library comes with the full uncompressed original .WAV files.

Each of the tracks loop seamlessly at least once in the recording, and then ends abruptly with natural trailing reverberation, allowing you to either set seamless loop points (using the suggested metadata values in the README above) or match the tracks to conclude dramatically with cutscenes.

Track List:

1. "A Slave To No One"
2. "Treading The Unknown"
3. "In Tranquil Spring"
4. "The Tread of War"
5. "Morning Frost"
6. "Spinning Tavern"
7. "Heated Lands"
8/9/10. "A Tale of Wind, Water and Peace" (3 variations!)
11. "A Fight in the Fields"
12. "Training Is Over"
13. "A Dream of First Flight"
14. "Cold Sanctuary"
15. "A Bitter Hope"
16. "Can't Stop Winning"
17. "Out Of Time"
18. "The Precipice of Victory"
19. "Visions of Freedom"
20. "The World At Your Door"
21. "The Fallen"
22. "Memories of a Lost Autumn"
23. "Market on the Sea"
24. "Encounter of Misdeeds"
25. "Land of Misdeeds"
26. "Showdown of Misdeeds"
27. "Thoughts"
28. "Midnight Creeping"
29. "Wipe Away Those Tears"
30. "Battle For Mana" (Exclusive Bonus Track!)

Attribution is not required, though I would deeply appreciate if you could mention the tracks in the credits list of your project. For example:

"[Track Title]"
Composed by Jonathan Shaw

Or feel free to credit on IMDb.

If you have any questions or would like me to write custom music for your game, feel free to check out my commissions page or contact me!

-Jonathan Shaw ("InspectorJ")


RPG Orchestral Essentials (Legacy)

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
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File size
1.6 GB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jul 27, 2020
Original Unity version
2018.2.6 or higher
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