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When they came to erase us, I visited him one last time.
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The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
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"My kingdom is on the verge of extinction. The enemy has already occupied the city. I have no friends or allies left. This, I finally understand well. On that dark day, I visited my father's grave one last time. It was right there, at my most vulnerable moment, that I was treacherously killed by my own royal guards.

Now I can mourn as much as I want. What remains are many sad and ownerless melodies. I hope you will remember me."

Welcome to One Last Visit. A sorrowful, wailing, melancholic, and sometimes screaming Dark Fantasy Music pack. The album consists of 22 unique full-length songs, and offers dark fantasy music under three different categories. The total duration of the album is 1 hour and 12 minutes.

You can preview some of the tracks HERE.

Capital City

  1. A Death Rose
  2. About Our Memories
  3. Besieged Internally
  4. Guards
  5. Hail the Fallen King
  6. No Horizon
  7. One Last Visit
  8. Townsfolk
  9. Tragedia
  10. Treason
  11. Twilight
  12. War Horse

Throne Room

  1. A King's Memories
  2. Deep Dark Sorrow
  3. The Dirge
  4. We Pray


  1. Abandoned
  2. Alone
  3. Farmstead
  4. Pestilence
  5. Sickness
  6. The Gossip

More Info

  • Unique Music: 22 full-length dark fantasy music
  • Total Length: 1 hour 12 minutes
  • Size: 1.07 GB (uncompressed)
  • Looping: No
  • BPM Info: Yes
  • File Type: 24-bit, WAV
  • Sample Rate: 44100
  • Mastered: Yes
  • Loudness Method: Easy Listening, Soft
Technical details

You can email us with new ideas and opinions, technical questions, corrections or inquiries, or even just to chat. Your feedback enhances the value of every product you purchase, and we consider it important.


Can I use your products in my commercial projects without any restrictions?

Yes, absolutely! You can use them in all kinds of content, including films, games, or YouTube videos, even for commercial purposes.

Will there be a problem if I upload a video to YouTube that contains music from Intersonic Sound?

No, it won't. The products are not registered with Content ID and are structured to not claim rights. You will not receive a copystrike warning for your channel.

Do you update your products?

There are products that we have updated and will continue to update. We may not update all of them, but the likelihood of us adding new content to your purchased product as a free update is very high.

What file format do you use?

We prefer 24-bit WAV files. If the package size becomes too large, we might consider 16-bit WAV, but we have not done this yet. For now, we have processed every product as a 24-bit WAV.

Dark Fantasy Music: One Last Visit

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Latest release date
Apr 17, 2024
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