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This pack is comprised of 18 audio files: 12 complete songs and 6 loops.
The majority of the tracks are
ambient/atmospheric soundscapes for using in
horror/suspenseful games, with the
exception of Terror Aproaches, which is
made as a boss theme if you ever need
one (Nemesis comes to mind).
All songs loop seamlesly, with the exception of
Owl's Flight, which is made as a Theme
Song, and that's why i've added 6 short
loops from it for you to use as suited.
(Not so) Safe Room was made as a Resident
Evil Save Room Theme, but can be used
for menus and places where you are safe
(but not so much).
All songs are professionaly mixed and
mastered, and are leveled to match
volumes as close as possible.
Here is the list of tracks and their duration:
(Not so) Safe Room - 00:28
Cold Fear - 00:58
Hanuda - 04:33
Himuro - 01:56
It Comes - 03:01
They Come - 02:59
Minakami - 01:18
Owl's Flight (Full) - 04:06
Owl's Flight (Loop 1) - 00:16
Owl's Flight (Loop 2) - 01:04
Owl's Flight (Loop 3) - 00:16
Owl's Flight (Loop 4) - 00:24
Owl's Flight (Loop 5) - 00:16
Owl's Flight (Loop 6) - 00:56
Shattered Memories - 01:30
Shivering at the Haunted Manor - 02:20
Terror Aproaches (Boss Theme) - 00:53
Yamijima - 02:27

Horror Soundscape - Creepy Ambient Music for Video Games

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Horror Soundscape - Creepy Ambient Music for Video Games