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Within you will find 41 full-length songs to use to build tension, heighten action, or calm your project down. Each song is part of the Intergalactic Beets Project which distributes free music!
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Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Listen up.

Since the year 5,000, Lord Prosect has banned music of all types and has made the penalty for listening to even a single beat punishable by death. The Intergalactic Beets Project is here to defy the madness that is his intergalactic stranglehold.

For the first time, all Audionauts are free to download our 41 full-length songs to use to their hearts’ content. We encourage you to use these songs in personal and commercial projects to make them come to life! We only ask that you credit The Intergalactic Beets Project or tag us @intergalacticbeets so that we can not only receive proper credit but also check out how our intergalactic beats are finding a new home!

Questions about using these songs? Send us a signal at contact@intergalacticbeetsproject.com

In this collection you will find:

01 - Distress Signals (Resurrect The Dead)

02 - Alone-Underground (Fangorium)

03 - Infrared - Movement I (Isolated Worlds)

04 - Allow Myself To Introduce...Myself (Sorry I Am Late)

05 - Straight On 'Til Morning (R4V3N & The Stargazeras)

06 - Spectral Creatures (Thirst Receptors)

07 - Brain Bug (Motor Protein)

08 - Concepcion (Cid Daria)

09 - Xenomorph (Switch-Bored)

10 - Crack of Dawn (Cock-of-the-Rock)

11 - Pleased To Meet You (This Is Gordon)

12 - Atomic Rush (down micro scope)

13 - 11-11 (Wish Upon)

14 - The Creeping Demon (The Cured)

15 - Free Riley or Die! (Trash Kings)

16 - Time Is Running Out (Magnetic Horizon)

17 - A Good Old Fashioned (Underwear Wolves!)

18 - Peel & Serve (Nectarines On Neptune)

19 - The Ritual Begins (Volcan)

20 - The Fall of the Holy City (Remove Thy Gods)

21 - Fall From Grace (Hydra At Heart)

22 - C-Beams Speech (Cruel World)

23 - Thin Crust (Pizza Bear)

24 - Employee Discount (Pizza Bear)

25 - Echo Chamber (Oil-Based Life Forms)

26 - Grave Robbers (Thirst Receptors)

27 - You've Got Red On You (Escape Pod)

28 - Teleportation (Comet Convention)

29 - Reach For The Stars (Doom Raiders)

30 - Unknown #6 (Unknown Entities)

31 - Brat! (HermetiK)

32 - Hot Cakes (Bakers)

33 - Verticillatus (Helianthus)

34 - Do Not Adjust Your Television Set (Slurp & Burp)

35 - Skool Iz 4 Chumps (Q + The Tips)

36 - Raptures of the Deep (Lunar Sacrifice)

37 - Photosynthesizer (Fungus Emporium)

38 - Pine Barrens (Bloom Field)

39 - Gravitron (The Cosmonauts)

40 - Crust Punk (Pizza Bear)

41 - Beach Just-Ice (Mascarpone Beach)

Thank you for downloading the full-length collection of the Intergalactic Beets Project!

Technical details

Audio file type: Vorbis .OGG

Sample rate: 44.1 kHz

Bit depth: 1411 kbps

Loopable: No

Additional: Stereo

The Intergalactic Beets Project - Full-Length Song Collection I

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File size
111.3 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Sep 7, 2021
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