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Model and textures of the P90 + Collimator Sight, Flashlight, Suppressor, Flashhider & Tactical Sling for Unity.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Model presented in a slightly worn condition.

Polycount is equal to current generation games.

Material, meshes and textures names follow an easy to understand naming convention.

You can also add your custom scope, grip or whatever.


- Model created in Blender 4.1;

- Preview rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 4;

- Textures created in Substance 3D Painter 9.1.0;

- Optimized and clean topology is represented by triangles;

- 5.7 caliber is included in the model and textured set;

- You can add your custom attachments or remove existing;

- Created as close as possible to the original prototype;

- The structure of the model allows you to create animations;

- Lights, cameras, animations and render/scene setup are NOT included;

- Materials may look different depending on your lighting setup and the render engine;

If you have some problems, questions or wishes, you can always contact me here or at my ArtStation.

Technical details

Model has 8 texture sets:

- P90 - 4096x4096;

- Scope - 2048x2048;

- Flashlight - 2048x2048;

- Tactical Slings - 2048x2048;

- Suppressor - 1024x1024;

- Upper Rail - 1024x1024;

- Flashhider - 512x512;

- Reticle - 256x256;

You can always downscale the textures depending on your needs.

Polygons Count:

- Total - 90686;

- P90 - 13277;

- Magazine - 5804;

- 5.7 caliber - 46900 (938x50);

- Scope - 6324;

- Flashlight - 10895;

- Tactical Slings - 2370;

- Suppressor - 2066;

- Upper Rail - 1330;

- Flashhider - 1720;

- Reticle - 1;

Vertex Count: 46440

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes

LODs: None

Number of PBR Textures: 7 (Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal, Ambient Occlusion, Emmision, Opacity)

Intended Platform: Desktop

Naming Conventions:

WPN_ = Weapon Mesh

WPNM_ = Weapon Material

WPNT_ = Weapon Texture


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Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
153.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 27, 2024
Original Unity version
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