Turrets will have proper hierarchy for rotation and elevation, as well as exit points for bullets or missiles.
Turrets are built with choice of colliders: None, Simple, and Complex.
Average Triangle Count:
100-200 for small parts
200-600 for large parts such as bases, mounts, and weapons
Included Turret Prefabs:
11 turret types, each with 6 color themes.
Turret Types
Cannon, Heavy
Missile Launcher, Large
Missile Launcher, Small
Particle Cannon
Twin Autocannon
Twin Pulse Rifle
Golden Hex
Neon Chrome
Soft Red
Soft Blue
Winter Plastic
Unicorn Dreams
Full Part List (105 parts)
15 Weapons
Autocannon, Advanced
Beam, Fat
Beam, Medium
Cannon, Heavy
Hardpoint, x3
Launcher, Large x3
Launcher, Large x6
Launcher, Small x4
Launcher, Small x8
Particle Cannon
Particle Cannon, Twin
Pulse Rifle
Railgun, Heavy
Bonus: Accessory Box (Non-weapon, weapon part)
6 Munitions (For launchers and hardpoints)
Missile, Large, Advanced
Missile, Large, Hypersonic
Missile, Large, Retro
Missile, Large, Staged
Missile, Short, Bulbus
Missile, Short, Pointy
9 Bases
Hex, Chunky
Hex, Short
Hex, Tall
Quad, Walker, Light
Round, Chunky
Round, Short
Round, Tall
Tripod, Articulated, Light
Bonus: Minimal
17 Mounts
x1 Bracket, Articulated
x1 Bracket, Chunky
x1 Bracket, Light
x1 Covered, Cylinder
x2 Covered, Cylinder
x1 Covered, Dome
x1 Covered, Squat Dome
x1 Covered, Large Disc
x2 Covered, Large Disc
x1 Covered, Round
x2 Covered, Round
x1 Post, Articulated
x1 Post, Chunky
x2 Post, Chunky
x1 Post, Retro
x1 Post, Sloped
x2 Flat Wedge
27 Weapon Mods
Beam Barrel, Exposed
Beam Barrel, Extender
Beam Barrel, Large Lens
Beam Barrel, Open
Beam Barrel, Open Slot
Beam Barrel, Retro Dish
Beam Barrel, Retro Rings
Gun Barrel, Accent Ridges
Gun Barrel, Brake, Flat
Gun Barrel, Split Tip
Gun Barrel, Suppressor, Rect
Gun Barrel, Tall
Gun Mod, Mag, Small
Gun Mod, Mag, Straight
Flashlight, Small
Laser Sight, Small
Particle Barrel, Charged
Particle Barrel, Extender
Particle Barrel, Rigged
Particle Barrel, Thick
Particle Mod, Booster
Particle Mod, Booster, Lateral
Particle Mod, Containment Pod
Particle Mod, Cyclotron
Rail Barrel, Extender
Rail Barrel, Quad
Rail Barrel, Rigged
11 Sensors
Antenna x3, Spread
Antenna, Complex
Camera x3, Panel
Camera, Large
Camera, Large, Panel
Camera, Small
Radar, Quad Fold
Radar, Flat, Retro Dish
Radar, Retro Dish
Scanner, Panel
20 Accessories
Accent, Circle
Accent, Dot Dash
Foot, Brace
Foot, Chunky
Foot, Circle
Foot, Dual Prongs
Foot, Long
Misc, Battery
Misc, Capacitor, Large
Misc, Capacitor x2
Misc, Coil, Large
Misc, Coils x2
Misc, Coils x6
Misc, Light, Large, Panel
Misc, Light, Revolving
Misc, Panel, Display
Misc, Panel, Light Grid
Misc, Panel, Ports
Misc, Tech Box
Misc, Tubes x2
Other Items
Seamless Textures (1024 x x1024 pixels)
Hex Camo
Hex Camo Gutter, Dark
Hex Camo Gutter
Hex Bump (Normal Map)
Hex Bump Gutter (Normal Map)
Fine Grain (Normal Map)
Special Note:
These seamless hex grid textures are square. While hex grids don't tile into a square area, this was accomplished by using a slight distortion of 1.053%