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Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible

These 3D icons, all created with "Fast Mesh - 3D Asset Creation Tool", demonstrate the ease of creating Low Poly meshes. 

Technical details

Icon Count: 992

Polygon Count (Avg): ~400 tris

File Formats: FBX

Number of textures: 0

Rigging: Not applicable

Animation: Not included

UV mapping: No

LOD information (count, number of levels): No LOD

This pack contains the following icons:

24 hours, 4k, account box, account circle, account pin box, account pin circle, add box, add circle, admin, advertisement, airplay, alarm warning, alarm, album, alert, aliens, alipay, anchor, ancient gate, ancient pavilion, angularjs, anticlockwise, apps, archive drawer, archive, arrow down circle, arrow down s, arrow down, arrow drop down, arrow drop left, arrow drop right, arrow drop up, arrow go back, arrow go forward, arrow left circle, arrow left down, arrow left right, arrow left s, arrow left up, arrow left, arrow right circle, arrow right down, arrow right s, arrow right up, arrow right, arrow up circle, arrow up down, arrow up s, arrow up, artboard, article, aspect ratio, at, attachment, auction, award, ball pen, bank card, bank, bar chart, bar chart box, bar chart horizontal, barcode box, barcode, barricade, base station, basketball, battery charge, battery, battery low, battery saver, battery share, bear smile, behance, bell, bike, bilibili, bill, billiards, bit coin, blaze, blur off, body scan, book, book mark, book open, book read, booklet, bookmark, boxing, briefcase, broadcast, brush, bubble chart, bug, building, bus, bus wifi, cactus, cake, calculator, calendar, calendar check, calendar event, calendar todo, camera, camera lens, camera off, camera switch, capsule, car washing, car, caravan, cast, cellphone, centos, character recognition, charging pile, chat, chat check, chat delete, chat download, chat follow up, chat forward, chat heart, chat history, chat new, chat off, chat poll, chat quote, chat settings, chat smile, chat upload, chat voice, checkbox blank circle, checkbox blank, checkbox circle, checkbox indeterminate, checkbox multiple blank, checkbox multiple, checkbox, china railway, chrome, clapperboard, clipboard, clockwise, close circle, closed captioning, cloud off, cloud windy, cloud, cloudy, code box, codepen, coin, coins, collage, community, compass, compass discover, compasses, computer, contacts book, contacts book upload, contacts, contrast, contrast drop, copper coin, copper diamond, copyleft, copyright, coreos, coupon, cpu, creative commons by, creative commons nc, creative commons nd, creative commons sa, creative commons zero, creative commons, criminal, crop, css3, cup, currency, cursor, customer service, dashboard, database, delete back, delete bin, device recover, device, dingding, direction, disc, discuss, dislike, disqus, donut chart, door closed, door lock box, door lock, door open, door, dossier, douban, download, download cloud, draft, drag drop, drag move, dribbble, drive, drizzle, drop, dropbox, dual sim, dv, dvd, e bike, earth, earthquake, edge, edit, edit box, edit circle, eject, emotion, emotion happy, emotion laugh, emotion normal, emotion sad, emotion unhappy, empathize, equalizer, eraser, error warning, evernote, exchange box, exchange cny, exchange dollar, exchange funds, exchange, external link, eye, eye close, eye off, feedback, file, file add, file chart, file cloud, file code, file copy, file damage, file edit, file excel, file forbid, file gif, file history, file hwp, file info, file list, file lock, file mark, file music, file paper, file pdf, file ppt, file reduce, file search, file settings, file shield, file shred, file text, file transfer, file unknow, file user, file warning, file word, file zip, film, filter, filter off, find replace, finder, fingerprint, fire, firefox, first aid kit, flag, flashlight, flask, flood, flutter, focus, foggy, folder, folder add, folder chart, folder download, folder forbid, folder history, folder info, folder keyhole, folder lock, folder music, folder open, folder received, folder reduce, folder settings, folder shared, folder shield, folder transfer, folder unknow, folder upload, folder user, folder warning, folder zip, folders, football, footprint, forbid, fridge, fullscreen, function, funds box, funds, gallery upload, gallery, game, gamepad, gas station, gatsby, genderless, ghost, ghost smile, gift, git branch, git commit, git merge, git pull request, git repository commits, git repository private, git repository, gitlab, global, globe, goblet, google play, google, government, gps, gradienter, grid, group, guide, hail, hammer, hand coin, hand heart, hand sanitizer, handbag, hard drive, haze, hd, headphone, health book, heart, heart add, heart pulse, hearts, heavy showers, history, home, home gear, home heart, home smile, home wifi, honor of kings, honour, hospital, hotel bed, hotel, hotspot, hq, html5, image, image add, image edit, inbox archive, inbox unarchive, inbox, increase decrease, indeterminate circle, information, infrared thermometer, ink bottle, input method, install, kakao talk, key, keyboard box, keynote, knife blood, knife, landscape, layout, layout bottom, layout column, layout grid, layout left, layout masonry, layout right, layout row, layout top, leaf, lifebuoy, lightbulb flash, lightbulb, line chart, line, list settings, live, lock, lock password, lock unlock, login box, login circle, logout box r, logout box, logout circle r, luggage cart, luggage deposit, lungs, mac, macbook, magic, mail add, mail check, mail close, mail download, mail forbid, mail lock, mail open, mail send, mail settings, mail star, mail unread, mail volume, mail, map, map pin, map pin add, map pin range, map pin time, map pin user, mark pen, markdown, markup, mastercard, mastodon, medal, medicine bottle, medium, men, mental health, menu fold, menu unfold, message, messenger, meteor, mic, mic off, mickey, microscope, microsoft, mini program, mist, money cny box, money cny circle, money dollar box, money dollar circle, money euro box, money euro circle, money pound box, money pound circle, moon clear, moon cloudy, moon foggy, moon, more, motorbike, mouse, movie, music, mv, navigation, netease cloud music, netflix, newspaper, notification, notification badge, notification off, npmjs, numbers, nurse, oil, open arm, open source, outlet, pages, paint brush, paint, palette, parent, parking box, parking, passport, patreon, pause circle, paypal, pen nib, pencil ruler, pencil, percent, phone camera, phone find, phone lock, phone, picture in picture, picture in picture exit, pie chart, pie chart box, pin distance, ping pong, pinterest, pixelfed, plant, play, play circle, play list, play mini, plug, polaroid, police car, price tag, printer cloud, printer, product hunt, profile, projector, psychotherapy, pushpin, qq, qr code, qr scan, question answer, question, questionnaire, quill pen, radar, radio, radio button, rainbow, rainy, reactjs, record circle, record mail, recycle, red packet, reddit, refresh, refund, registered, remixicon, remote control, repeat one, reply all, reply, reserved, rest time, restart, restaurant, rewind mini, rewind, riding, road map, roadster, robot, rocket, rotate lock, route, router, rss, ruler, run, safari, safe, sailboat, save, scales, scan, scissors, scissors cut, screenshot, sd card mini, sd card, search, search eye, secure payment, seedling, send plane, sensor, server, service, settings, shape, share box, share circle, share forward, share forward box, share, shield check, shield cross, shield flash, shield keyhole, shield star, shield user, shield, ship, shirt, shopping bag, shopping basket, shopping cart, showers, shut down, side bar, signal tower, signal wifi, signal wifi error, signal wifi off, sim card, sip, skip back mini, skip back, skull, slack, slice, slideshow, smartphone, snowy, sound module, soundcloud, space ship, spam, speaker, spectrum, speed mini, speed, spotify, spy, stack overflow, stack, stackshare, star s, star smile, star, steering, stethoscope, sticky note, stock, stop circle, stop mini, store, subway wifi, subway, suitcase, sun cloudy, sun foggy, sun, surgical mask, surround sound, survey, swap box, swap, switch, sword, syringe, t box, t shirt, t shirt air, table alt, table, tablet, takeaway, taobao, tape, task, taxi wifi, taxi, team, temp cold, temp hot, terminal box, terminal window, test tube, thermometer, thumb down, thumb up, thunderstorms, ticket, time, timer, timer flash, todo, toggle, tools, train wifi, train, travesti, treasure map, trello, trophy, truck, tumblr, tv, twitch, typhoon, u disk, ubuntu, umbrella, uninstall, unsplash, upload, upload cloud, usb, user, user add, user follow, user heart, user location, user received, user search, user settings, user shared, user smile, user star, user unfollow, user voice, video add, video chat, video download, video upload, video, vidicon, vimeo, vip crown, vip diamond, vip, virus, voice recognition, volume down, volume mute, volume off vibrate, volume up, volume vibrate, vuejs, wallet, water flash, webcam, wechat, wechat pay, weibo, wheelchair, wifi off, wifi, window, windows, women, xing, zcool, zhihu, zoom in, zoom out

Low Poly Icon Pack - Created with FastMesh Asset

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File size
11.4 MB
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Latest release date
Aug 28, 2024
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