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Contains 10 different curtains with 8 different textures sets (all of them in a clean and dirty variation). 4 of the curtains come with left and right side version.
All objects come a single and double sided mesh version.
Prefabs in total:
-Clean single sided: 112
-Dirty single sided: 112
-Clean double sided: 112
-Dirty double sided: 112
Textures include: Albedo (clean and dirty version), Normal and Maskmap (AO and Smoothness)
Albedo and Normal: 4096x4096
Maskmap: 2048x2048
For single sided versions between 1000 and 7500 per curtain.
Double sided version 2000-15000 per curtain.
Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline