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There should be 3 packages avalaible for download:
- For Unity 2020.3 and higher using "Built in Pipeline"
- For Unity 2021.1 and higher using the "HD Render Pipeline"
- For Unity 2020.3 and higher using the "Universal Render Pipeline"
- For Unity 2021.3 and higher using the "Universal Render Pipeline"
Please let me know if you need any other versions
- 4 Transporter Prefabs with color variations
- PBR Textures: albedo,metallic smoothness, normal map and emissive 2048x2048 size. PSDs with layers.
- 2 Custom shaders animated: PBR with emissive Pulse Light and Hologram Scanlines double sided
- Energy Particle in 4 colors (small ascending lines inside the light)
- 260 Triangles
(the video has the old version textures, please look at the image previews to see the new textures!)
* Video: Medical kit, animated floor materials and Rotator script not included in this package Sold separately in my store