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Synty Studios™ Presents -
POLYGON - Nightclubs, an electrifying, Low Poly asset pack, ready to take your world to the next level. Lean in and allow your imagination to explore all possibilities on offer. POLYGON - Nightclub, here for your entertainment.
◼ Key Features ◼
- Fully modular buildings, bars, sofas, and platforms
- Four different club scenes
- Lasers!
- (Character poses indicative only)
◼ Assets ◼
Characters (x8)
- Bartender Male/Female, Bouncer Male, Party Female (x3), Party Male (x2)
Character Attachments (x26)
-Including Beards, Earrings, Glasses, Hairs, and Hats.
Buildings (x140)
- Including a base set of building pieces plus: Awnings, Ceilings, Curtains, Doors, Fire Escapes, Floors, Pillars, Railings, Trims, Pergolas, Shelves, Stairs/Steps, Elevator, and Feature Walls.
Props (x583)
- Including Art/Posters, Ash trays, Bags, Bottles, Glasses, Mats, Sinks, Bean Bags, Chairs/Benches, Boxes, Crates, Cans, Point Of Sale, Cigarettes, Coasters, Cleaning Equipment, Coats, Cocktails, Dance Poles, Darts, Plates, Disco Ball, Displays, DJ Gear, Fridges, Racks/Shelves, Bins, Lights, Greebles, Hats, Personal Items (purses, wallet, inhaler etc), Kegs, Mechanical Bull, Menus, Money, Microphones, Neon Shapes and Signs, Papers/Trash, Pills, Pillows, Pipes, Plants and Plant Pots, Rugs, Screens, Sculptures, Smoke Machine, Speakers, Stanchions/Dividers, Stools, Tables, Toilet and Toilet Items, Flags, Trophies, TVs, Urinals etc, Plus Modular Bars, Benches, Sofas, Vents, Stages, Platforms, and Walkways!
Environment (x41)
- Including Background City Buildings, Skydome, Clouds, Crane Silhouettes, and Background Streets.
FX (x18)
- Including Background Cars, Spotlights, Fire, Fog, Lasers, and Lightray Shapes.
◼ Compatibility ◼
- Supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here
- Characters are setup to work with Mecanim (no animations included in this pack)
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