평점 만점의 리뷰가 11,000개 이상

8만 5천명 이상의 리뷰

10만명 이상의 포럼 멤버가 선호하는 에셋

유니티에서 모더레이팅하는 모든 에셋

Includes: 10 demo maps 2051 Prefabs 6 Useful Plugins 1 Character Controller 10 Skyboxes 180 additional materials Sounds Included Well optimized for mobile devices and VR Map generator included
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible
Additional compatibility information

This pack includes plugins that will help you convert your project to HDRP or URP

First use the plugin in the "Tool" tab "KCG_RenderPipelineConverter"

After converting all the materials into the new render pipeline, you need to assign all the textures to their slots, this can be done using the plugin

also in the "Tool" tab "KCG_AutoTextureAssigner" (But this does not guarantee 100% results)


PC Demo build v6 map

Google Drive

PC Demo build v7 map

Google Drive

PC Demo build v8 map

Google Drive

News, support, updates


Telegramm (Very New)

This package also include all assets from previous packages:

v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9

And some of the content from the urban pack v1

Whats new in the 10.0 pack?

New 1 Demo map

New 6 Plugins;







New Simple Character Controller (with SciFi weapon);


New prefabs (about 600);

    FS_Sedan (1 prefab, 13pc 2-4k textures)

    City_Mall_v1 (10prefabs, ~50pc 2-4k textures)

    CBuildings_v3 (3prefabs, ~50pc 2-4k textures)

    SciFi Weapon (7prefabs, 9pc 2-4k textures)

    Road_set_v2 (37 prefabs, 2k textures)

    Dry_tree_v2 (3 prefabs, 1k textures)

    Oak_v1 (3 prefabs, 4k texture)

    Store_Sign_v1 (5 prefabs, 1k texture)

    Store_Sign_v2 (50 prefabs, 4k texture)

    Turnstile_v1 (9 prefabs, 6pc 2k textures)

    Vent_sys_v1 (42 prefabs, 2k texture)

    Table_scales_v1 (14 prefabs, 9pc 2k textures)

    Store_facade_v1 (36 prefabs, 5pc 4k textures)

    Store_drinks_fridge_v1 (11 prefabs, 13pc 2k textures)

    SScheckout_v1 (5 prefabs, 7pc 2k textures)

    Shop_Lokers_v1 (21 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures)

    Rack_with_products_v1 (7 prefabs, 2k texture)

    Products_showcase_v1 (13 prefabs, 13pc 2k textures)

    Payment_terminal_v1 (3 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures)

    Milk_fridge_v1 (5 prefabs, 6pc 2k textures)

    Mannequins_v1 (14 prefabs, 4pc 4k textures)

    Ice_cream_refr_v1 (12 prefabs, 14pc 2k textures)

    Glass_fence_v1 (15 prefabs, 2k texture)

    Emg_signs_hydrant_v1 (63 prefabs, 3pc 4k textures)

    Cloth_set_v1 (87 prefabs, 4k texture)

    Cloth_furniture_v1 (87 prefabs, 3pc 4k textures)

    Cashier_counter_v1 (8 prefabs, 2pc 2k textures)

    Brick_wall_v1 (1 prefab, 1k texture)

    ATM_v1 (11 prefabs, 11pc 2k textures)

    ATM_2 (3 prefabs, 3pc 2k textures)

    Ad_posters_v1 (35 prefabs, 9pc 4k textures)

    Sofa_v1 (2 prefabs, 2pc 2k textures)

See the Screenshots and videos for more details :)

All prefabs have the correct orientation

Position/rotation - Set to 0

Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1


Over 2000 prefabs for fast create your own RPG/FPS level for PC or Mobile platform.(ready for mobile)

10 Demo scene about 70 000 - 700 000 triangles.(ready for mobile)

Map Generator

Character Controller With SciFi Weapon

6 Plugins

1 Car

Many Sounds

For best batching, use "Mesh Baker"

If you have any wishes and suggestions please contact me.

Use and Enjoy :)

Technical details


10 demo maps 

2051 Prefabs

6 Useful Plugins

1 Character Controller

10 Skyboxes

1 Detailed Car

180 Additional Materials

Map Generator

RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Set v10.0)

세금/부가세는 결제 시 반영됩니다.
377 views in the past week
라이선스: Single Entity
싱글 엔티티
개인 사용자나 소규모 비즈니스에 적합.
멀티 엔티티
대기업이나 여러 사용자가 공용으로 사용시에 적합.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
2일 전
Great and well optimized
It is great and almost must have if you are creating any FPS/RPG game in modern environment. There are some more tools included for map creation and ...
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