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Its a Mega pack of 72 buildings with 43 interior and environment props, With LODs and Optimized for mobile use with new techniques. perfect for all sorts of games
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP
Not compatible
Not compatible

All the buidlings are optimized and ready for game use , perfect for shooting racing games the pack has 21 unique builings and 43 low poly props, all structure have 2 lods each 

Builings List:

3 double story house with roof access with 3 texture variations

3 single story houses with roof access 3 texture variations

3 single story houses simple 3 texture variations

3 double story houses with arched roofs 3 texture variations

6 single story houses with arched roofs 3 texture variations

Total Prefab builings 72

Props list:

5 types of road cones

8 types of road blocks

2 types of fences

2 types of walls

1 sofa 

1 cabnite

1 table

1 dustbin

2 bill boards

2 types of traffic lights

1 bus stop

2 types of light poles

8 types road side signs

Technical details


House_Double_Floor_WR_3 : 979 poly

House_Double_Floor_WR_2: 1060 poly

House_Double_Floor_WR_1: 870 poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_3: 595 poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_2: 481 poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_1: 480 poly

House_Single_Floor_3: 502 poly

House_Single_Floor_2 : 436

House_Single_Floor_1: 302 poly

Watch_Tower_2:558 poly

House_Double_Floor_WR_3_ARched_Roof: 886 poly

House_Double_Floor_WR_2_ARched_Roof: 946 Poly

House_Double_Floor_WR_1_ARched_Roof : 756 Poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_3_ARched_Roof: 476 Poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_2_ARched_Roof: 332 Poly

House_Single_Floor_WR_1_ARched_Roof: 334 poly

House_Single_Floor_3_ARched_Roof: 506 Poly

House_Single_Floor_2_ARched_Roof: 441 Poly

House_Single_Floor_1_ARched_Roof: 307 Poly

Shed :200 Poly

Tower: 375 poly

All Props are under 40 poly each

Total number of meshes : 63 

Total prefabs : 125

LOD Info: 

LOd_0 and LOD_1

two levels of lods

 All lods are set up in prefabs adjust viewing distance as per requirements 

Total Materials used 21, type standard

Total number of Textures : 21

Total number of normal maps 19

total number of metallic maps 19

All Textures are PBR and have metallic maps albedo and normal map

All Textures are in 1024*1024

Atlas for LOds is in 2048*2048

All objects have 2 lods each with lod_0 multiple texture and LOd_1 have altas texture for optimization

total draw calls in mobile setting are 57

Just bake light 

Note: charater contorller shown in the video demo is not included its standard asset of unity 

Modular Houses props mega pack mobile

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Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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File size
204.9 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Mar 17, 2021
Original Unity version
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