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The Millionaire Mansion Pack has over 130 uniquely crafted assets allowing you to create vast open worlds or detailed linear levels.
AAA Quality assets
Modular components - Just drag and drop
Lots of props included allowing you to personalize to your own taste
Lighting and post processing included in example map
Number of Unique Meshes: 130+
Choose from a wealth of uniquely crafted meshes each with materials, textures, lods and collision set up for optimal performance. Designed in a modular fashion, simply drag and drop to create the level of your choosing.
An example level showing you a glimpse of what you can create with exterior, interior, props and vegetation. The interior has a kitchen, cinema room, bedroom and bathroom ready to explore. Also includes lighting and post processing effects giving you the game ready art you see in the screen shots. Some Highlights:
3 complete mansion prefabs with exterior and interiors - just prop out.
40+ unique building mesh components with specific styles allowing you to mix and match architecture styles to create the mansions of your choosing. These come complete with attachment details like pillars, balconies and ornate structures.
26 foliage assets including palm trees, trees, bushes plants and grass with numerous variations allowing you to create lush gardens.
30 + Props and structures ranging from interior assets to exterior structures adding the finishing details to the millionaire mansions.
Asset list
40+ unique building meshes with specific styles allowing you to mix and match architecture styles to create the mansions of your choosing. These come complete with attachment details like pillars, balconies and ornate structures.
Vertex Count Building components : 200 - 5,000 Buildings attachments / details : 90-1400
26 foliage assets including palm trees, trees, bushes plants and grass with numerous variations allowing you to create lush gardens. Vertex Count Trees: 100 - 2000 Plants / Bushes: 200 - 500 Grass : 100-1000
6 Organic assets such as rocks & grounds
Vertex Count
Rocks: 1000 - 1500
Grounds: 400 - 600
30 + Props and structures ranging from interior assets to exterior structures adding the finishing details to the millionaire mansions. Vertex Count Roads:200 - 3000
Texture Resolutions:
8192 for large rock/cliff
4096 trim textures for large buildings, structures
2048, 1024, 512 for smaller deco, props, and foliage

Millionaire Mansions Pack

71 users have favourite this asset
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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
Secure checkout:
Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
1.6 GB
Latest version
Latest release date
Apr 30, 2021
Original Unity version
Quality assets
Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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Supported by 100,000+ forum members
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