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.Here you'll find lots of shattered rocks - big rocks, small rocks, piles of rubble and giant rocks. Package iclude around 50 different meshes and big stones also have 3 different diffuse textures, so you may blend them trough vertex colors.

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Triangles counts:

Decor - 1620 triangles

ShattRocks_B1 - 7890 triangles

ShattRocks_B2 - 11188 triangles

ShattRocks_B3 - 9362 triangles

ShattRocks_F1 - 5554 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B1 - 29217 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B2 - 49129 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B3.006 - 27053 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B4.004 - 31319 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B5 - 31777 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B6.004 - 29823 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B7.001 - 27174 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_B8.005 - 34250 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_BS1 - 47950 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_BS2 - 58032 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_BS3 - 44395 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_BS4 - 32219 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_FS1 - 27160 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_SR1 - 12466 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_SR2 - 7906 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_SR3 - 8832 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_SR4 - 4320 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_W1 - 38607 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_W2 - 35437 triangles

ShattRocks_Gat_W3 - 33520 triangles

ShattRocks_L1 - 9420 triangles

ShattRocks_L2 - 9916 triangles

ShattRocks_S1 - 17922 triangles

ShattRocks_S2 - 4860 triangles

ShattRocks_SR_1 - 3000 triangles

ShattRocks_SR_2.002 - 3920 triangles

ShattRocks_SR_3 - 1626 triangles

ShattRocks_SR_4 - 2390 triangles

ShattRocks_SR_5 - 1222 triangles

ShattRocks_SSR_1 - 512 triangles

ShattRocks_SSR_2 - 372 triangles

ShattRocks_SSR_3 - 184 triangles

ShattRocks_SSR_4 - 152 triangles

SmRock_1 - 44 triangles

SmRock_2 - 56 triangles

SmRock_3 - 54 triangles

Splinters_1 - 12334 triangles

Splinters_2 - 10327 triangles

Splinters_3 - 10382 triangles

Splinters_4 - 4897 triangles

Splinters_5 - 3870 triangles

Splinters_6 - 4432 triangles

Splinters_7 - 6181 triangles

Shattered rocks

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License type: Single Entity
Single Entity
Recommended for individuals and small businesses.
Multi Entity
Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations.
Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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Supported payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Paypal, Amex
License type
File size
1.9 GB
Latest version
Latest release date
Oct 16, 2023
Original Unity version
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Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
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Supported by 100,000+ forum members
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