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HexMesh allows a way to quickly and very easily create hexagon-tiled terrains. With the included customization options, it is possible to create many different kinds of hexagon landscapes. Here is an overview of some of the features it offers.

● Customizable Height Noise

With a number of customizable variables, many type of terrain height can be created. Including a height curve that can be used to change the noise values to create terrain features like volcano's, rivers, deep valleys.

● Elevation Modes

Included are two elevation modes to choose from: Smooth and Step mode. Smooth mode creates a gradual change of height. Whereas Step mode creates a terrace like terrain, which can be adjusted in several ways.

● Customizable Terrain Colors

Allows to easily choose and change any color used in the terrain.

● Terrain Chunks

Divides the terrain into chunks to help with features such as lazy loading of the terrain and allows for more precise culling.

● Positional helper functions

Included are several functions that can help convert between world position, grid coordinate positions, chunk and local chunk positions.


Included is a vertex color shader used to color the terrain which does not support textures or normal maps. This can be easily replaced by a shader that supports all, but is not included.


-Support for texture and normal maps.
-Chunk based generation in editor, to speed up generating large terrains.
-Generate landscape features like trees and houses.

HexMesh - Hexagon Terrain

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4.6 MB
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Latest release date
Oct 1, 2020
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