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Create a never-ending series of modular dungeon environment settings with the Interior-Only Levels: Classic Dungeons asset pack by Almighty Assets.

Modular Rooms & Halls
* (15) Rooms
* (5) Halls
* (1) Mountain Entrance (special piece to merge outdoor environment & interior dungeons
* (1) Elevator Rig

Dungeon Dressing
* (6) Doors (with open/close animations)
* (5) Blocked Passages
* Optional Beams & Pipes
* Alternate Floors & Walls
* Lighting Options (candles & torches affixed to sconces and chandeliers)

Props & Furniture
* (16) Crates
* (4) Barrels
* (3) Treasure Chests (with open/close animations)
* (5) Bookshelves
* (5) Shelves
* (3) Tables
* (1) Chair
* (1) Stool
* (3) Weapons (dagger, halberd, sword)
* (3) Weapon Racks (Swords, Halberds & Empty)

Decorative Accessories
* (18) Light Sources (candles, sconces, chandeliers)
* (6) Books
* (5) Bookpiles
* (5) Bookstacks
* (4) Playing Card Stacks
* (8) Coin Stacks
* (1) Dice
* (1) Document
* (6) Pottery
* (2) Quill & Ink
* (1) Scroll
* (3) Shackle & Chain (sets)
* (2) Shackles
* (2) Chains
* (1) Skull
* (1) Stein

Extra Features
* Candle and Torch Fire Particle Systems
* First Person Character Controller
* ParticlesByDistance.cs Script (turns particles on/off depending on player's distance)
* ToggleElevator.cs (activate elevator animation by pushing a button)
* ToggleOpen.cs (open/close a chest by pushing a button)
* TorchFX.cs (flicker effect on torch lighting)

Polygon Count

There are 489 individual meshes included in this asset with a total of 1,768,132 polygons. This works out to 3,616 average polygons per object. However, it's important to note that some meshes may contain as few as 2 polygons while a few of the more detailed meshes may contain several thousand.

Please remember, you can mix these meshes together to produce different results. For example, when setting up any particular room, you might choose to use different combinations and variations of things like beams, pipes, light fixtures and decor, as well as choices for floors and walls. The end result, depending on the decisions that you make, could result in a room's average polygon count ranging from 200 to 10,000 or more.

Texture Details

Every object in this asset shares one 512x512 color atlas texture. This texture contains 48 cube-like color swatches, each offering 3 lighting variations for a total of 294 individual color choices. There is a bit of unused texture space allowing you to expand the color atlas if you see fit.

The UV Unwrapping for this collection of meshes are done by reducing the UVs for selected faces to a scale of zero and assigning those UVs to specific swatches in the color atlas. Using this technique, it's possible to change the color of any object by either altering the UV in Blender, or by re-associating the mesh with an alternate texture, which you could create yourself. The alternate color atlas could feature your own set of color choices, adding even more variations to your collection.

A Note About Colliders

I have included colliders for most of the large objects, such as rooms and furniture, and have left the smaller decorative props without any colliders at all. The absence of colliders on these smaller objects is intentional, since most of the time these decorative pieces will be placed inside of larger objects, such as bookshelves, which already contain their own colliders.

Interior-Only Levels: Classic Dungeons

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File size
66.1 MB
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Latest release date
Dec 15, 2021
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