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Deadly Dungeon Traps is an all-in-one dungeon traps package with procedural animations. The asset is highly customizable, supports a modular workflow, and easy to integrate with your system.
Render pipeline compatibility
The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

Deadly Dungeon Traps is a realistic-looking all-in-one package. Setting up is very easy and works just right out of the box. The asset is highly customizable, supports a modular workflow, and easy to integrate with your system.

⚔️ Website: Learn more about Deadly Dungeon Traps.

⚔️ Video Guides: Get started quickly.

⚔️ Online Documentation: Start here if you get stuck.

⚔️ Support: Submit any question.

1st Milestone completed! We added 20+ sound effects for the pre-built traps.

Thank you for your feedbacks and support!


- Modular Workflow with 40+ trap parts

- 50+ prebuilt traps for a quick start

- Procedural animations

- Integrated Damage System

- Built-in Visual & Audio effect handling

- Full Source Code

All-In-One package

We provide you everything you will need to populate your game with the meanest traps. 3D Models, audio, procedural animations, and scripts.

Procedural Animations

With procedural animations, we can provide you much more control and customization, than we would in the case of keyframe animation. You can change many different parameters from the inspector. Check the online documentation for more information.

Components & Scripts

With the included components and scripts we cover a wide range of functionality. Starting from triggering the traps and controlling player interactions, through handling VFX and SFX, to a simple, yet extendable damage system.

Sound Effects

To make this asset even more complete, we added 20+ sound effects for the pre-built traps.

Manually tested in the following Unity Versions

2019 LTS, 2020.1.6.

Included HDRP and URP support packages.


Perfect for any game genre, including:

- Adventure

- RPGs

- Rogue-like

- Souls-like

- Survival games

- Fantasy or Steampunk games


- Documentation (old)

- Documentation (updated for version 1.2)

- Forum

- Website

- Support

- Community


Join in on the discussion on Discord for support and answers to the most common questions.

Technical details


1 Dungeon demo scene

1 Line-up

1 Trap assembly test scene


Pre-built traps

Equipped with scripts and audio effects for quick start.

8 Blade traps (single and multi piercing traps, slashing traps, rotating wall blades, tunnel)

4 rolling cylinder traps variations (single, double, small and large variations)

5 rotating traps variations (spiked logs, swinging traps, circular rotating blade traps etc.)

4 particle traps (2 fire, 1 poison, 1 gas)

3 physics-based traps (rolling boulder, single chain, double chain)

5 spear trap variations (single, multiple, synced and random etc.)

4 floor spike trap variations (single, multi, sync, random etc.)

5 projectile traps (2 darts, spear shooter variations)

4 ammo types (2 darts and 2 spear)

3 smashing trap variations (single, double, advanced)

6 switches (switch, valve, and crank, each with 2 color option) with on/off animations

4 disarm boxes (mechanical, magic, 2 steampunk) with open / activate animations

Trap parts

Use these to build your own trap variations from scratch.

3 blade types (short, long, curved)

2 darts (wooden and metal)

4 gears (small, large, wood and metal)

3 dragon heads (3 color options)

3 snake heads (3 color options)

2 rolling spiked cylinder traps (small and large)

1 rotating trap ("haymaker") with stone base

1 chain trap with physics collision

4 spear (short and long, with and without metal rings)

1 spear cluster

3 floor spike variations

9 rectangular trap slots, sorted by length

3 round trap slots

7 small metal trap slots, sorted by length

Demo environment:

1 Simple player controller with damage management

7 environment prefabs (simple pillar, wall, and some floor variations)

4 edge decals

3 large decals


Avg. Polygon count: 1420

Min. 54

Max. 4638


Lightmap UV: No


3 blades

1 boulder

1 chain (skinned mesh)

2 darts

3 disarm boxes

4 gears

2 stone heads (dragon, snake)

2 rolling cylinder traps

1 rotating trap with stone base

2 sets of stone slots

1 round slot

1 smashing trap

4 spear variations

3 spike variations

3 switches (valve, lever, crank) with animations

2 metal trap slot sets

1 vent

4 environment and demo meshes (simple wall, pillar, stone well and tunnel)

1 decals set (contains submeshes)


Format: PNG


2048x2048 for large objects

1024x1024 for small objects and decals

512x512 for small objects and particles

Maps: Albedo, Normal, Metallic (+ Smoothness + AO combined)


Total: 15 prefabs

Format: Built-in (Standard) Particle system

Various simple effects such as bubbles, dust puff, gas leak, sparks, poison spray, fire, smoke, trails. 


Total: 26 files

Format: WAV

Compression: Vorbis

Length: 1 - 18 sec

Various short and looping noises such as impacts, hissing, bubbling, heavy rolling, burning, whooshing, blade impact, darts shooting, mechanical noises, chain rattling etc.

Deadly Dungeon Traps

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File size
439.4 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
Jul 1, 2021
Original Unity version
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