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Water Dragon is great for a starting boss, he has many attack animations, some has clues so the player can guess what the boss will do next to have relevant actions.

For example he will charge before shooting and breathing fire, after breathing fire, he has some heavy breathing moments and the player will have his/her chance to attack this boss. He also has stun state so you can design some attacks which will stun him.


- 2 color options.
- Total 18 animations
- 4096x4096 .tga diffues, specular and normal map textures.
- Triangles count: 8698
- Animations: bite left, bite right, bite center, breath fire, breath fire with longer charge time, breat fire get hit 1, breat fire get hit 2, charge and shoot, daeth, hit 1, hit 2, idle, push back, rise - appear, roar, spit, stun, wipe.

Water Dragon

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File size
121.0 MB
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Latest release date
Mar 19, 2018
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