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This is the second mimic object of the grotesque collection of "things that never should have to be alive" or, in other words, The Mimic Collection.

In this second volume, I introduce the Evil Barrel, another cool boy with a very rude attitude that will try to bite and hit your players. He is hungry, has a large tongue and very bad habits!

What is in this package?

- 3 FBXs: a common old barrel and its Mimic (Legacy and Mecanim).
Fully textured, rigged and animated. You can access to their prefabs (Prefabs folder) if you want a quick setup: just drag and drop to your scene and done!

- A demo scene (Scenes) showing the mecanim prefab of the mimic and the barrel prop with some lights.

- A small script (Scripts) attached in the Legacy prefab letting you to see all the animations looping in the scene/game window when you hit play (Legacy only).

- 11 core animations for the mimic, including IDLE states, attack (hit and bite), get damage, surprise attack, walk (jump), dead...

- 2k textures for both models, all sorted in their respective categories.

- This document (root folder).

And well... that is all! If you are interested in more Mimic monsters, check this out:
Mimic Monster Pack

Oh! Would you like a cool exploding effect for the barrel? Or maybe just to see the mimic exploding into pieces? Check this other complementay work: Old Breakable Barrel

Have a nice evil beer time !

Mimic Collection 2 - Evil Barrel

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This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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License type
Single Entity
File size
44.5 MB
Latest version
Latest release date
May 5, 2016
Original Unity version
5.3.1 or higher
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