Over 11,000 five-star assets
Rated by 85,000+ customers
Supported by 100,000+ forum members
Every asset moderated by Unity
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RPG Character Complete Bundle includes all 13 packs listed below -- the standard assets of fantasy characters! After purchasing this bundle, visit each package listed below, and you will be able to get them for free.
⚔️🐉🔮Everything you need to kick start your RPG🔮🐉⚔️
Humans, Half-Orcs, Elves, Dragons, Goblins, Horse, Pegasus, Unicorn, dozens of weapons, shields, helmets, and full body armor*.
Sound effects, music, concept art, animation rigs and Substance Painter source files for texture customization are all included. Check individual packs for details.
July 16, 2022 - Added Hair, Beard, and Mustache Pack 1 to the bundle! Those who already purchased get it for FREE!
February 14, 2022 - Added Clothing and Wardrobe Pack 1 to the bundle!
April 6, 2021 - Added the Horse Pegasus Unicorn package to the bundle
There may be additional wardrobe and other content added over time. Any additions to this package will be free for all who own it.
Main Packs
* Use wardrobe from these packs interchangeably with the others
⭐ Dragons
⭐ Armor Pack #1 *
⭐ Armor Pack #2 * - Added August 8, 2020
⭐ Clothing & Wardrobe Pack #1 * - Added February 14, 2022
⭐ Character Accessories Pack *
⭐ Horse Pegasus Unicorn Added April 6, 2021
⭐ Hair, Beard, and Mustache Pack 1 Added July 16, 2022
Bonus Files
⚡ Humans - Bonus Files 1 - Animation Rig & Substance Painter files
⚡ Humans - Bonus Files 2 - Substance Painter files
⚡ Humans - Bonus Files 3 - Unreal project Added July 29, 2020
⚡ Humans - Bonus Files 4 - Atavism files Added September 14, 2020
⚡ Humans - Bonus Files 5 - Music files Added October 14, 2020
⚡ Dragons - Bonus Files 1 - Unreal, Concept Art, Solo Animations, Animation Rig, Dragon Eggs
⚡ Dragons - Bonus Files 2 - Substance Painter files
⚡ Dragons - Bonus Files 3 - Atavism files
⚡ Dragons - Bonus Files 4 - Music
⚡ Goblin - Bonus Files 1 - Substance files, animation rig
⚡ Goblin - Bonus Files 2 - Unreal project
⚡ Half-Orc - Bonus Files 1 - Additional Textures, Substance Painter files (body)
⚡ Half-Orc - Bonus Files 2 - Substance Painter files (armor)
⚡ Half-Orc - Bonus Files 3 - Music
⚡ Elves - Bonus Files 3 - Music
⚡ Character Accessories - Bonus Files 1
⚡ Character Accessories - Bonus Files 2
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 1 (4K Textures 1)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 2 (4K Textures 2)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 3 (Painter Files 1)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 4 (Painter Files 2)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 5 (Painter Files 3)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 6 (Painter Files 4)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 7 (Painter Files 5)
⚡ Armor Pack 2 - Bonus Files 8 - Unreal project
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #1 - Bonus Files 1
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #1 - Bonus Files 2
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #1 - Bonus Files 3
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #2 - Bonus Files 1
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #2 - Bonus Files 2
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #2 - Bonus Files 3
⚡ Weapons & Armor Pack #2 - Bonus Files 4 - Unreal project
⚡ Horse Pegasus Unicorn - Bonus Files 1 - Substance Painter files
Free Expansion Projects
Demos, tutorials, and more can be found at my Youtube Channel
Customize your textures using the included Substance Painter source files. Change out materials, or make other modifications like adding dirt, or shifting colors, in minutes. Export the finished product in HDRP and non-HDRP maps, ready be used in Unity. Make the textures look they way you want them for your project.
The armor is rigged for the Infinity PBR Humans, Half-Orcs, and Elves. If you have another humanoid that you'd like to use with the armor, there are packages on the Asset Store that claim to allow you to rig armor such as these to your character, though I have not yet tried them out, and such use is not officially supported.
If your content is rigged with the same bones as our humanoids, then your content should work with this system.
Exposed Blend Shapes allow for massive mesh morphing and customization. You can save settings in prefabs or script the shapes for in-game customization or randomization of your characters.
Check out more info & all of our models at InfinityPBR.com
If you do purchase this package, thank you very much! Please leave a rating and review so others can find out what's what about it! If you have any problems, requests or anything else, join the Discord!
Fantasy RPG / FPS Complete 13 Pack Bundle!