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The behavior of the fish has been coded to be used for quiet and relaxed scenes, like a pond. Also you can use it in another underwater scenes like rivers or the sea.

Demo page | Video

Animated Pond Fish include:
- The behavior of the fish coded in C#.
- A fish model (Faces: 745, Tris: 1.484) with its own UV done, so you can add your own texture if you want easily.
- 5 different textures with a cartoon style.
- Basic scene with a simply pond and some configured fishes, so you can see in movement.

Each fish has an individual behavior. Doesn't take into account the movement of another fishes to make its own movement.


After receiving information about the suposed problems of our asset, we want to add some advices to our costumers in order to avoid problems with the collision system.

This asset was never done thinking about doing something realistic, was made with cartoon style, but there are some characteristics which are important to simulate some reality. This asset is made to simulate a pond, and (usually) a pond has a minimum of measures.

If your pond is too little (or there are a lot of fishes) you’ll make the collision calculation much less efficient with the correct pathfinder.

Moreover, we advise a minimum of height in your pond. If you do that, you can add more fishes in different heights and your pond will seem more crowded and the effect will be better and cool.

You don’t need to do a pond as big as our demo, of course, but it has to exist a coherent measures between the space of your pond and the number of fishes.

Animated Pond Fish

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Jun 25, 2020
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