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Hello friends, I present to you Bloody Pixel Animations! Its a series of 8 juicy smooth animations in a 2d crunchy pixel art style:
Blood Radial: blood splashing radially. You could use this for general blood explosions/impacts.
Blood Squirt: a blood squirt that shoots in a generalized direction. If a bullet is hitting your character from one direction, you can angle this squirt in the opposite direction.
Blood Hemorrhage: a thick pulsing blood geyser. Cut off a limb, and loop this hemorrhage at the wound!
Blood Drop: a drop of blood you can use as a particle. Create many of these flying through the air, or drip from the ceiling.
Blood Splat: a splat animation of blood hitting the floor. Place this wherever a blood drop lands!
Blood Slash: a blood slashing animation. Use this for your RPG's when a monster is attacked with a sword. Triple this up for a claw attack!
Blood Spray: a flowing stream of blood! Place this on decapitated limbs or holes!
Blood Wall Splat: a splat that is stuck to the wall! Place this on the background of your game!
Each asset is a sprite sheet chopped up into their respective frames, a simple animation controller, as well as an animation that has the Loop Time checked for demonstration purposes. So un-check this if you would like it to play once. Or you can just plop the frames into your animator for your own custom animations.
Let me know how I can improve, send me an email with any questions/comments/crits. If you decide to use these in your game, whether prototype or final product, please drop a link here so I can see the work in action :)
Blood Radial: blood splashing radially. You could use this for general blood explosions/impacts.
Blood Squirt: a blood squirt that shoots in a generalized direction. If a bullet is hitting your character from one direction, you can angle this squirt in the opposite direction.
Blood Hemorrhage: a thick pulsing blood geyser. Cut off a limb, and loop this hemorrhage at the wound!
Blood Drop: a drop of blood you can use as a particle. Create many of these flying through the air, or drip from the ceiling.
Blood Splat: a splat animation of blood hitting the floor. Place this wherever a blood drop lands!
Blood Slash: a blood slashing animation. Use this for your RPG's when a monster is attacked with a sword. Triple this up for a claw attack!
Blood Spray: a flowing stream of blood! Place this on decapitated limbs or holes!
Blood Wall Splat: a splat that is stuck to the wall! Place this on the background of your game!
Each asset is a sprite sheet chopped up into their respective frames, a simple animation controller, as well as an animation that has the Loop Time checked for demonstration purposes. So un-check this if you would like it to play once. Or you can just plop the frames into your animator for your own custom animations.
Let me know how I can improve, send me an email with any questions/comments/crits. If you decide to use these in your game, whether prototype or final product, please drop a link here so I can see the work in action :)
Bloody Pixel Animations!
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Latest release date
Apr 4, 2019
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