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UI Kit - Hyper Casual is a ligth-weight game UI package containing moslty used UI elements. This pack is perfect for developers who want to create UI fast and easy. The pack is highly optimised for mobile, all sprites come sliced in the best way possible and all elements are made into prefabs.
This Pack includes :
10 most used gaming screens
50+ buttons
40+ customizable components
1 Free font included
Many components to customize your interface
◼ Assets detailed ◼
● Sprites (x 115)
115 sources as PNG
42 button sprites (256x256)
6 gradients (2x4, 4x8)
20 often used icons (64x64, 128x128)
9 basic shapes (256x256, 256x128)
6 seamless patterns
Many other components, including: panels and paddings, bars, ribbons, icons, sliders, etc.
● Prefabs (x 105)
Pill Buttons, Pill Buttons Small, Rounded Buttons, Rounded Buttons Small, Other Pre-made Buttons, Components, Frames, Labels, Icons, Popups, Sliders and Progress Bars, Ribbons, Premade Panels(CharacterPanel, ChestGacha Panel, PowerUp Panel, SettingsPanel, StorePanel, TutorialPanel), InGame Texts.
● Demo Scene (Premade screens):
LoadingPage Canvas, HomePage Canvas, Settings Canvas, Store Canvas, Upgrades Canvas, LevelFinish Canvas, LevelFail Canvas, LuckyGif Canvas, GetPrize Canvas, InGame Canvas, Pill Buttons, Rounded Buttons, Small Buttons
Important : Not included editable PSD files (althought if you're not satisfyed with elements export/slicing I will fix the problems or give you the access to original Figma project).
If you have any questions or reqests do not hesitate to send me an email, I will be happy to help.
UI Kit - Hyper Casual